Assassins Of Yesterday - 5

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~~ Matthew Smith ~~

It was dark outside and late. Yet, Jessica refused to go inside. Her partner was to have arrived a couple of hours ago but hadn't. Jessica had not received any phone call or text about her partner. She could just pray that her partner wasn't an idiot and got caught on their way here. It didn't help that she didn't know who was her partner.

With an exasperated sigh, Jessica rolled her neck to relieve the tension building up within. Her untraceable phone began to vibrate slowly. "What's going on?" she questioned upon answering. "Where is she, or he?" There was a deep chuckle at the opposite end. "Glad to know you care about your fellow peers." Jessica scoffed. "I want to get over with this mission as soon as possible."

"Yes, okay. Your partner had a few complication with his last mission. Agent Brooks was shot as he covered Agent Smith. Brooks' injuries were fatal. He died within an hour of extraction." Jessica breathed in sharply. Brooks was a great agent, he was one of her combat mentors after her original mentor, Sarah, had to leave for some odd reason. He taught her even better than Sarah, pushing her to do her best. To break the barriers.

Wait, Smith? "Did you just say Agent Smith is my partner?" the woman questioned slowly. Her father confirmed it. Disbelief filled her body entirely, numbing every bone and nerve within her that left her with a mouth agape and silent. The shock sent electrifying shivers down her back. She shuddered involuntarily. "Why? Will it be a problem?"

Jessica scoffed. "A problem? A problem?!" She began to laugh contemptuously. There couldn't be any goddamn way he forgot. "Yes, a problem. Will there?" Yep, he forgot. "Yes, there will be. Smith and I are not on good terms. Can't you send in someone else? Martinez? Campbell? Or even Carter? I'll take Carter at this point."

Her father laughed through the phone. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. "They are all on break. You are a grown woman, Jessica. As an adult you must-"

"No! You listen to me! That MAN is unnerving!!"

Her father flinched at the sound of her voice pumping through the phone line, causing him to tilt his head away from the device. He was beginning to get frustrated. Agent Smith was one of  the best in the agency and he needed only the best to capture Jackson as quickly as possible. "Put your differences aside Jessica. You are a grown woman. I need the best of the best to get into this mission and no one besides you and Smith has better skills needed for this mission. I am sorry but you will have to get along."

Jessica clenched her jaw and hung up on her father at his last sentence that made her want to kill someone. Angrily, she slammed her cell phone onto the concrete ground beneath her feet. "Ugh!!"

* * * * * * * * *

She stood with formality and power. Her hair was wrapped into a bun that was tied at the lower part of her head. She wore a black outfit and a black army cap; dark sunglasses over her eyes and a gun was tucked into the waistband of her jeans. Williams stood amused as she watched her brother's jet land onto the runway in a bumpy land. A chuckle escaped the woman's lips. He plays too much.

Jessica's son was seated in the passenger watching in awe at the sight of jets taking off and landing. He was wondering why his mom had dressed in the attire when they were only coming to pick up her business partner. He noticed that his mother glanced around the runway like if she was expecting someone to pop out at her. Her stance was... defensive.

The woman became startled when the sudden opening of the jet's door hissed loudly. A set of staircases were rolled out to the front of the door platform. A figure came into sight. There he stood. His jet black hair -curled- waved in the breeze. His dark sunglasses were similar to Jessica's and they hid his eyes. But Jessica knew what color they were. Sometimes they'd appear brown. Other times, one eye would remain brown and the other would turn green. Heterochromia Iridum. A condition that left a person with one eye's iris multi-colored.

From where the assassin stood, she could see the smug smile implanted on his face. The man sighed, his shoulders shrugging in the process. It was then the woman noticed how much his shoulders broadened. Shaking her head, the woman dismissed the thought. Instead, she clenched her jaw as her partner began his descent.

The women around ogled at the handsome man walking and they couldn't help but feel envious for the woman he was directing to. And some glared. The attention and actions of these women caused Jessica to roll her eyes.

"Williams." So focused, she was startled at the sound of the man's deep voice that resonated against her chest. She couldn't help but feel the rush of excitement run through her body. A small smirk played on her lips which caught the man by surprise.

"Smith." And her voice, exquisite, provoked shivers of pleasure to spread throughout his hands that craved to touch and graze her body. The delicate skin of her body. But her sharp and blunt words sliced his heart apart as he could detect no emotions but hatred attached to it. "You can put your luggage in the cargo and take a seat in the back seat. My son is in the passenger seat."

Nope. Nothing. Smith yanked off his sunglasses, causing Jessica to stare into his heated eyes. The ones filled with mist and desire. The woman wanted nothing more but to reach up and graze his lips. But she held her ground. She still had pride and she was not going to throw it away. Instead, she focused on the hatred which was much more stronger. However, Smith knew she was about to move and hence, he stepped closer to the woman, greeting their heat again.

"Out of my way Smith," she growled. "Or I'll move you myself."

Smith held his ground. "Do it," he dared her. No other word was mentioned as she took his face into her hand and clenched her fingers around his chin.Then, with enough mustered force, she was able to push him back and get out of the discomfort. Jacob had watched the spectacle unfold before his eyes and he couldn't help but feel giddy about it. It was uncanny for him to feel such way but seeing how hard his mother tried to not be swoon by her business partner, it amused him. When his mother settled into the car, he held out his fist and Jessica bumped her fist with his.

* * * * * * * * *

1168 words

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