Chapter 1

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Konsi Capital City of Ariox:

King Arzon POV:

            It won't be long now, it took far longer than I would have liked, but they are finally reaching their end.

            Enemy soldiers spotted on the outskirts of More.

            Sending scouts now, keep reserves on standby.

            I cut the connection there; Serina's battalion might have a fight after all.

Princess Serina's POV

Enemy soldiers spotted on the outskirts of More.

            Sending scouts now, keep reserves on standby.

Please let this end quickly, this suffering cannot continue. I return the tag to the memorial; it has grown far too large recently. The fresh snow crunches beneath my feet, it's hard to believe something so pure and bright can exists in this country it was stained red long ago. 
Colonel Kion, saddle the owls and ready the wolves I do not believe we will be waiting long.

Yes, Princess, I shall gather the troops as well for your return.

Good, ETA fifteen minutes.

Outskirts of More:

Prince Corin POV:

            The kingdom of eternal winter. For such a cold and isolated kingdom, it is strangely beautiful. The snow glistens in the midday sun light frost crystalline over the pines of the dense and extensive forests. One would never believe so many battles and lives were lost on such a breathtaking scene. 

I spotted the first owl only a few minutes after landing. I could see a young soldier upon its back. I had read of these before, but it is vastly different in person. "Shoot it down!" The order surprised me. "General that's just a boy, you'll kill him!"

"Better him than us!" The cold finality of the phrase shocked me to my core and it must have shown on my face because when he spoke again it was softer, "I'm sorry, your majesty, but this is the reality of war if that scout made it back I fear we would not survive, I do not wish to face Winter's Devil today." Winter's devil, huh? I know I've heard that name before, but where?

The distant howls of the wolf packs strike terror into my heart, but my men need me. If I am to one day be their leader, then I must show confidence even in the most dire circumstances! "Men! This is our last chance, we must not fall today! Not to Anyone! Especially those cold-hearted monsters who dared to threaten us all those years ago! Who dare to believe themselves superior to us! Today we will come out victorious!" the thunderous cheering is nearly enough to make me forget what we face beyond these woods, nearly.

We speed along the frozen landscape powdered snow quieting our steps even as the landscape blurs in a sea of color. A few miles from the border of More a battalion stands tall all muscle and brute strength, silent. Not a word is echoed across the expanse of land. Despite the confusion, I don't hesitate, "Charge! Surround the enemy!" sooner than the soldiers could blink they were surrounded. They surely didn't fall without a fight each man pulled a sword slashing blindly at the enemy they could not see. It was a massacre body upon body falls at the feet of my men.

In minuets, what was once a force of over 10,000 lays slaughtered on the very grounds they fought so valiantly to protect. My army had taken some casualties as well, but nothing compared to our own victims. A low growl freezes me. It seemed to issue a warning. We take the next leg of our journey much slower than the first to preserve energy.

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