Promise Me

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I couldn't​ breathe. My ears rang as I looked into the eyes of a man I no longer knew, his expression a mixture of delight and concern at the look on my face. It felt as though I had been kicked repeatedly in the stomach, I wanted to cry and shout, but no words would leave my mouth. I couldn't look at him any longer, with that sickly black leather jacket pasted to his torso, so I ran. No idea where I was going, I pushed past the rows of snakes crowded around the trailer door, and fled.

It shouldn't bother me, him joining the Serpents, as I had petitioned constantly for them to stop being attacked, but this was different. A war was brewing between the North and South, and as hard as it was, I had accepted we would be on different sides of it. But this, this told me that he wanted to be my opposition. And that was like a knife in my chest.

I could hear him calling my name behind me, but I couldn't bring myself to stop. My heels restricted my running, and I knew he was gaining on me. After a few more seconds of running, a firm pair of arms wrapped around me waist and held me still. "Betty." He whispered in my ear, "Please stop." I had always felt so safe in his arms, and this is was no exception, as I turned around and let him hug me, my fingers running through the black curls on the back of his neck.

"Promise me Jughead." I mumbled, "Promise this will change nothing." Immediately, Jug pulled away, cupping my face in his hands, his thumbs on my cheeks. "I would never let that happen Betts, ever."

But I couldn't believe him.

A.N - My first one shot! Who's proud of me? 💁 I wanted to start this book so I could explore different Bughead stories rather than just sticking to one. Of course, this doesn't mean I won't be doing my main bughead book, this is just a side collection of stories.

Send your ideas for future chapters, and I'll make it happen 😂

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