Topaz and Cooper

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It was unnatural for Toni to be on the Northside, ever. It's not like they wanted her there anyway, and she didn't want to go anywhere near the people who saw her as dirt because of the side of town she lived on.

Privileged much?

What didn't help was the continuous stream of articles trashing the southside that the lovely Alice Cooper kept publishing. Not only was she a liar, but she was a hypocrite. And now the whole town knew it. That was one thing Toni could thank Betty for.

Believe it or not, that was exactly who she was going to visit. Betty Cooper, the girl who broke her best friends heart. It was just yesterday that Jughead told her about the breakup, and after the kiss they shared, Toni should be more than happy that Betty was long gone.

But she wasn't. To be honest, Topaz couldn't quite believe she even cared enough to go see the youngest Cooper, and yet here she was. She should be letting Betty run as far away from the Southside as humanly possible, leaving Jughead to be who he really is, preferably by the side of a Serpent girlfriend, if you get what I mean.

Alas, Jughead was purely distraught. Toni could tell immediately that he wasn't into their kiss, he was just so worn down and heartbroken that he didn't pull away. No matter what the Topaz girl felt for him, Jug was still her best friend, and watching him crumble made her mad.

That's why she had dared to venture into the Northside, jacket free of course, to have serious words with Betty. And if the fight got a little physical, that would be an added bonus. Truth be told, Toni had never liked the blonde girl. She was pink and perfect and privileged.

Why Jughead liked her, she'd never know.

Actually, not true. Toni understood perfectly. Betty loved him, well he thought she did. She cared for him, and was the only one who was there for him through everything, even his worst. How could you not fall in love with the perfect Betty Cooper?

Let's be honest, that whole Romeo and Juliet love story is overused and boring.

At least according to Toni.

Regardless, she was now heading into Riverdale High, on a mission to find Betty Cooper. Admittedly, she was a little jealous of the school. No ghoulies, no jingle jangle, actually learning. Still, it was far too picture perfect for her liking.

There was several pairs of eyes on Toni, following her down the corridor as she checked each room for the familiar blonde ponytail. She could at least try another hairstyle once in a while...

Finally, there she was. Sat in the student lounge, which was empty besides Betty and Archie. To be honest, the Cooper girl looked awful. Black bags cupped her eyes, and that ponytail was replaced by waves flowing over her shoulders. Her eyes were a little bloodshot, like she'd been crying non stop.

For the first time, Toni felt a pang of pity towards Betty, who seemed honestly torn apart. Brushing it aside, she marched into the room, causing the pair of them to look up abruptly. "Hey, Cooper!" She yelled, standing in front of the sofa.
"Toni?" Croaked Betty, confused as to why the brown-haired girl was in their school. "Oh, you're surprised, right? I bet you thought that you wouldn't have see me again after you cut Jughead out of your life! What the hell was that you blonde bitch?!"

Shock and hurt covered Betty's features, as she stood to face Toni. "Toni..." She mumbled, not quite meeting her eyes. And then, she said something that shocked the Southsider to silence. "Look after him, won't you? Please."

After a few moments, Toni managed to get some words out. "Wh-what?"
"You can't lie to him. You can't leave him. And for the love of God don't let him get hurt. By your means or anyone elses." Betty pleaded, placing her hand on Toni's arm.
"Betty, what the hell is going on? You send Archie to break up with Jug, but you act like you're the heartbroken one? What is your problem?" Concern was now laced in her voice, gripping the blonde's shoulders tightly.

"I- it doesn't matter. But promise me. Please. Please, Toni." She couldn't say no. Despite her dislike towards Betty, it was clear that this breakup had hit her just as hard. Something was wrong, really wrong. "Okay. I promise. I'll look after him. But whatever is happening, sort it out."

"Later Cooper." Toni sighed, turning and leaving the student lounge, thinking up an excuse to tell Jughead as to why she was late. Maybe she had judged Betty too harshly. Maybe, but she wouldn't admit it.

Betty collapsed back down on the sofa, placing her head in her hands.

"Until then Topaz."

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