Chapter 6 ** Day three in the Badlands**

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I woke up, gently getting out of Ethan's arms, got dressed and then proceeded to make some coffee on the camp stove. I leashed Judge and we went to the dog park seeing Zeke along the way I smiled as he joined me while Judge burned off energy and did his morning routine. Zeke nudged me saying “ I wanted you to know Kass, I respect women, never have I done that crap before, I still feel like a heel with the other night.” I smiled nudging him making him look up to meet my eyes and I said “ Zeke you seem like a good guy, don't know what you have going on but if you need an ear just to vent or whatever, let me know okay, you and I are good, yea you scared me, but you sincerely apologized so all’s forgiven.” He smiled looking into my eyes replying “ Ethan’s a lucky man to have you Kass, I do wish you two the best.” I smirked saying    “ Right now, just friends enjoying the summer, the future is anyone's guess.” Zeke laughed saying “ Ya right, I'm a guy, I see how he looks at you, you are more than a friend in his mind and heart Kass.” I blushed as he laughed then gently squeezed my shoulder saying bye as I leashed Judge and went back to the van.

Ethan was up pouring two mugs of coffee as I smirked when he raised an eye brow to me asking “ Okay, why didn't you wake me to take him so you could sleep in?” I shrugged answering “ It's nice when you take him handsome, but he and I still need each other and I just woke up.” He looked at his worn watch and told me it was now 8 am so we could get breakfast then get the rental car. Ethan and I enjoyed the some sleeping in time for this day trip, as we planned on leaving around 10:00 am by going right out of the campground on Hwy 244, turn right on Hwy 385/16 into Hill City.

Then we would continue on Highway out of Hill City; at Junction 16-385 turn left on Highway 385. As we settled in for a beautiful drive passing breathtaking sites like Pactola Lake. We continued on Hwy 385 till the Deadwood-Lead junction and turned left into Lead to visit the Homestake Visitor Center Gold Mine located at 106 W. Main St. After leaving the town of Lead,we continued back on the Highway into Deadwood as it will looked like a small town in South Dakota but all of the sudden bump bump bump when we were just traveling on a cobblestone road then we parked our car and took advantage of Deadwood's city Trolley. Deadwood, South Dakota, is where Wild Bill Hickok’s luck ran out when he was shot in a saloon. This is the town where the Old West  characters like Wild Bill Hickok and Calamity Jane lived out their last days.

At this point we looked at the many museums like the Adams Museum and House, we also went to the Mt Moriah Cemetery, then the Bullock Motel which is supposedly haunted, and Kevin Costner has a museum here. We spent the whole day in Deadwood, letting Judge out to run around, and we watched old time gun fights in the streets. We ate lunch in one of the buffets and gambled a little in the casino. It was a totally awesome day and Ethan kept a hand or his arms around me all day as we shared such a great day together in Deadwood. Judge got a bit of attention also from other kids here as I smiled when he would like the little ones faces and clean off the ice cream, making the parents laugh along with Ethan.

Ethan bought me a gorgeous turquoise and silver necklace and earrings from a gift shop, Judge a name tag made from silver and even had it engraved. I bought Ethan a new belt with turquoise on it along with a new watch made from black hills gold. After Ethan pulled back out on the highway, we headed back to the KOA and agreed to try out the restaurant that is by the lodge for dinner tonight. We returned the car, took Judge for a run and got him some food, water and chained him at the van, when Ethan handed me a small box. I looked at him saying “ Handsome we already did the gift thing, what's this?” He smiled saying “ I would like to ask you Kass, could we make us official, Like permanent?”

I blushed then opened the box to see a beautiful black hills gold ring with a sapphire  and diamonds on it and took a small breath as he took it and placed it on my left ring finger. Ethan tilted his head when I replied “ Yes Ethan, we can make this permanent, I'd be honored for you to say I am your girlfriend.” He grinned leaning in kissing me firmly on my lips then licked my bottom lip as I allowed him entry and we explored each others mouth and taste. I smiled as he stepped back then said “ You honor me by being my girlfriend Kass, I promise to respect you, treat you as I was raised, like a goddess, a precious and rare beautiful woman in my life.” I hugged him as he held me close kissing my neck making me moan as he softy chuckled. We then walked hand in hand to the Ponderosa Family Restaurant and Mountain Canyon Pub that is located a few steps from the Lodge as they also serve breakfast, along with lunch and dinner. The Ponderosa features dining in a rustic log building with a slate fireplace or in the cozy western pub. It serves salads, fajitas, baby back ribs, sirloins, fried tacos, pastas, BBQ chicken and pizzas, so I ordered the fried tacos as Ethan order the ribs.

I have to say we both stayed on cloud nine all night, he was now mine and I was his, we felt like one mind, body and soul. Ethan has always treated me like a gentleman should and now since we are a official couple he just doted on me even more making me blush and he would tell me how awesome that color looked on my cheeks. We finished dinner and I looked around as he paid the bill then he put an arm around my waist placing his coat over my shoulders the led us back to the van. I got Judge on his leash as Ethan smiled to me then we joined the teens again for the nightly movie. This time Zeke stayed by Ethan, and all the girls teased Ethan when everyone found out we were official now.

Liam chuckled saying “ Damn, I thought maybe I'd beat you to the question, Guess my lose now unless you have second thoughts Kass.” I gently nudge Liam as they all laughed, Zeke smiled shaking Ethan’s hand saying “Couldn't have happened to a better man, she needs a guy like you, as she is very unique, beautiful, kind and rare.” I blushed as Ethan kissed my cheek answering “ Yes Kass is one of a kind, never let her go now that she has fully accepted me into her life, and hell he likes me so all is good.” I rubbed Judge's head as he laid it in my lap licking Ethan's hand and we all laughed. I leaned my head on Ethan's shoulder while he kept his arm behind me for support, Zeke and Ethan talked a bit, it was a great night.

After the movie was over we all headed back to our spots to end the night and Ethan walked Judge to the dog park as I chuckled watching these two wrestle on the grass as they bonded even more. After we got to the van, Judge got in then I did and Ethan locked the door after he climbed in.  We got undressed and he pulled me hard against him kissing me tenderly saying " Sweet dreams beautiful, thank you for one of the best days ever for me. " I Turned kissing him softly whispering " You handsome are now officially my first boyfriend, I never dated in high school." He chuckled kissing me back answering " Cool I like being your first Kass, and Maybe the only one as time goes on." I smiled kissing his neck then we fell into a pleasant loving sleep.

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