25 Ways to Annoy Someone at the mall

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How To Annoy People In The Mall

1. Walk around singing really badly at the top of your lungs.

2.Go into a store and re-arrange everything on the shelves.

3.Read magazines but don't buy them.

4.Go into a really expensive place and talk to the seller like you really want to buy it and if it is in a case ask them to get it out. Afterwards say ok thanks and leave

5.knock stuff off shelves.

6. Run around like a maniac

7.Pretend you are a hobo and ask for money.

8.Shout at people.

9.Whisper in someone's ear

10.Ask people if they have seen your cat/dog. When they say no say that you needed it for a dinner party.

11.Walk very slowly in front of someone (works best in tight isles).

12.Ask a friend loudly if they need tampons/pads in the middle of the store

13. Stare at someone even when they look at you keep staring.

14.Go into the rest room after someone and shout that the stall stinks.

15. Get loads of things to fill your trolley with and when you get to the register say that you forgot your money

16. Go to the food court and ask people for food

17. Make they toys be really loud and walk away like nothing happened.

18. Have a long conversation with the cashier (works best with a long line behind you)

19. Touch everything you see (even people if you want)

20. Run around pretending to "cleanse everyone" of their sins and give them a panflet

21.Go to the Service desk and say that you lost your mummy ( works best if you are 12 or older).

22.Stalk people around the mall

23. Pretend to be a spy

24. Hide in the clothing racks

25. Take tags off stuff and/or swap them

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