Chapter 2

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You growled under your breath shaking your plates off. Your servos crushed the grass as you walked out into the rocky clearing on all fours. You sneezed loudly and shook your plates again. The scents of his planet were way too rich and you couldn't get a good handle on it. You audio receptors immediately perked when you heard very loud obnoxious foot steps. Rushing to get out of view you choose behind a large rock. You gazed through the cracks the between rocks as you slowly stalked around them.

Something about their scent seemed familiar, but all of your sense were muted being on this strange planet. You slowly leapt on top of a rock your steps silent. The seemingly familiar mech was facing away from you and was scratching the back of its broad helm with a servo.

"Huh.. coulda sworn I heard something over here...." he muttered

You crouched low your chassis brushing the rocky surface below you. Narrowing your optics you aimed for the mechs broad shoulders. Your body tensed and you pushed hard down with your hind legs sending you into a leap. Your servos latched onto his back your pedes landing right above the mechs tail. The mech stiffened obviously feeling your weight land neatly on him. He turned his helm to look at you his optics widened.

"Do... Do I know you from somewhere?" He questioned, at least you believed he asked

Tilting your helm you spoke, "Do I know you?" 

His optics widened, "I really feel like I do."

Your optic ridges furrowed in thought as you sifted through your memories if you could place this mech anywhere in it. Your optics widened as you quickly studied his dinosaur like faceplate.

"Grimlock!" You laughed joyously, "How could I ever forget!?"

"Wait... if you know me, then I must know you.... Wait... (y/n)!!" The dinobot below you rumbled happily briefly you were thrown up into air only to be caught into large clawed servos and arms.

You giggled as Grimlock nuzzled you close your small frame completely being held within his arms. You grinned, you were reunited with your old friend.

"It's been too long!" You laughed placing a servo on his broad green chassis

"What are you even doing here?" Grimlock questioned

"I could ask you the same thing." You muttered

"Well let's catch up as I take you to meet some of my new friends!" Grimlock said cheerily as he started off

"You mean you already replaced me?" You fake pouted which caused Grimlock to roll his optics

~Bumblebee pov~

I tapped my digits against one of recently closed stasis pods. I sighed softly and pushed myself away from it and started walking towards the main section of the base. My optics landed on Fix-It when I arrived there.

"Hey has Grimlock reported back from portal yet?" I questioned

"No. He hasn't." Fix-It stated wheeling towards the control panels, "Would you like me to contract... conduct... CONTACT him?" Fix-It tapped a few keys, "Huh? Actually he's a few human meters away from the gate... there seems to be another signal with him, it's taint... paint.. FAINT though..." he continued to type some more

Sideswipe arrived with a large grin across his faceplate, "Great Grim will be here soon so I can show him a new move I've been working on!"

Strongarm stepped up beside me annoyance in her optics. I could here the faint rumble of Grimlock's laugher and his heavy pedesteps. The gate to the control center slid up as he walked through carrying something..... or somebot in his arms.

"Brrr éstsica cweuive tra de es Sidesweep!" Grimlock laughed in a unfamiliar glassa who ever was in his arms replied in the same strange language

"Trie gutna feti smoota cura títí crï!" The other voice laughed

"Grimlock?" I asked he looked up from whoever was in his arms and smiled

"Tre de BumblaBee!" Grimlock replied happily

"Umm... what?" I said reminding him I did not understand

"Oh..." He coughed once and chuckled nervously, "Sorry 'bout that.. My friend speaks that language only at the moment so yeah..." he trailed off

"Grimlook, tü creé trû fafæ." Grimlock looked down at his "friend" in his arms and nodded along to what they were saying

"That probably a good idea.." he muttered softly dropping on of his arms

Two animal like pedes hit the ground. A silver tail flicked above the ground with his other arm Grimlock raised the chassis of his friend so the were standing straight up. My optics widened at he femme. One of her clawed servos was still holding onto one of  Grimlock's bipedal's digits to steady herself. My optics could help but travel her frame work as she stepped into full few. She reminded me of a human cat. Her form slim and long, large cat-like ears flicked at the top of her helm. Her pedes were paws, much like a cat, her knees bending the opposite way than normal. Her plates were a rich brown with a few (f/c) trimmings. I could see dents and scratches across her plates, obviously in some kind of squirmish. Her helm
Plates clung close to her slim jaw light brown pointed, streak plates that ended just above her optics ridges on her forhelm and traced straight to back of her helm.

"Qua?" She seemed to questioned tilting her helm slightly, oh those optics, snap out of it right now Bee

"Huh?" I muttered

"She needs you to speak so she can speak our language easier." Grimlock said resting a large servo on her shoulder plate

"Oh!.... umm... Hello, my designation is Bumblebee. May I have your designation?" I said bowing a little

She was still for a brief klik then spit and grinned at us showing us her sharp denta, "(Y/n). It's nice to make your aquatints BumblaBee." She spoke in a slight accent

I'm not gonna last a megacycle.

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