- Trailer part three-

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I adjust my mask as I walked through the night street.

Rolling my eyes as I saw couples walked by.

I walked towards the park and sit down the the swing.

Everynight, I walked out from the house, ignoring my brothers and to get some air.

I chuckled to myself, thinking these thing would get my mind of her.

She was the first human to compliment my singing, I miss that.

I miss when she laughed at my jokes.

I miss staring at her bright and sparkly eyes.

I miss hugging her everytime she's beside me.



I raised the volume of the music, blocking me from the noises outside.

I close my eyes as I lean back at the chair.

I open my eyes once again and saw Younghee siting across me, smiling while drinking her drink.

This happened all day.

I closed my eyes and sighed.

After she left, I threw away all my tie, even my school uniform's tie, I don't care.

Because of her, when I saw a tie, I remember the way she helped me tying it, with her proud smile after she's done with her work.

The only tie I don't want to throw away was the last tie I used on the day she left.



I lifted the necklace infront of me and sighed.

I put my earpieces on and looked at the people in the library, reading, secretly eating and secretly dating.

I sighed and lean back on the chair, putting my legs on the table.

Covering my face with some random book I picked.

The hummed the songs that were played, humming and humming.

As tears keep falling.

I just want to stop crying and wandering if she's crying too.

After she left, all of us separate from each other.

Our parents were mad and disappointed.

Yejin disappeared.

Our brotherhood were getting decrease eventhough we had small conversation.

Everyone were having red eyes every day.

We moved to England, thinking that we would forget about the memories we had, but no.

The memories is still there, like as if it just happened yesterday.

Everyday we wait for her.

For her to comeback.



I hugged my knees as I looked outside at the sea.

I don't know what's in my mind, I don't know what should I do.

But I can't and I don't want.

I let it go and hugged myself even tighter.

I miss them but I want to forget about them.

They're probably happy with Yejin right now, probably already having a family.

Do they still remember me? Or do they actually forget about me?

I regret saying the last words.


Now the only thing you all have to do is wait until 15th June.

I seriously want to update early but I must stick to it.

Because I have like exam this 8 June and I GOT A PART TIME JOB, FROM 8-14 JUNE, IM SO EXCITED!! ♥

But I'm scare to interact with customers \(>.<)/


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