In the name of love

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And I thought it would be nice to reward you guys somethin'

I walked back inside the party,  with her still running in my mind. I thought Patricia was the one..  until Moira came along.  She showed me what I missed out in life,  how we'd enjoy the simplest things in life regardless of our status.

She made me smile and feel all kinds of warmth... And it all disappeared because of me too.

I was so into my thoughts that I bumped into someone I really didn't want to talk to.

"watch it. " Dean hissed and I glared walking past him,  I bumped my shoulder against his hard making him tumble back a little.

"You watch it. " and no I wasn't referring to where he walks. I am taking Moira from him even if thats the last thing I do.  Her safety is my priority and being in the hands of this scum is just putting her in more danger than I can.

"Why are you even butting in our business Luca?  She's no longer yours so why are you even trying?" he questioned me while taking a step closer,  I could hear his steps coming even if I had my back turned to him

"You must know how she sounds like when you make love to her,  hard.. " he whispered and I couldn't hold myself back.  I immediately turned and threw a punch on his face, it was a hard one as it caused him to tumble back and fall unconcious.

But I didn't stop there..

I was so angry with just thinking of him and her together,  her hands on him as he brought her to ecstasy.

I straddled him,  pinning him down I threw a punch one after the other, I could hear the screams,  the pleas to stop - no I was raging and before I knew it,  I was pulled off and away from him.  He was now unconscious, his face battered and bloody.

"Luc calm down! " My brother shouted and punched me hard.

I was livid!  He had no right to hold her the way I did, Moira may not be innocent however,  she did not deserve to be treated the way we treat her,  she deserves respect and protection from men like Dean...  Like me.

"You better fuckin'stay away from her bastard!! " my voice bellowed loud and clear through the reception,  my finger pointed accusingly at him. Amidst the pushing and the voices,  I saw her standing in the middle of the crowd looking baffled with the situation.

I was pushed out of the venue and inside my SUV,  my guards piling in - I felt suffocated therefore I ordered them to get out and just ride with the convoy. Before the door could shut close,  Logan got in looking at me sternly.

"I don't want to hear it. " grumbling I looked away, my hand over the badly bruised one - the skin on my knuckles were split open,  yet they didn't hurt.  I felt numb and the numbness started eversince she walked out on me.

"Oh you have to. " Logan had that no nonsense tone and I felt like the kid thats being reprimanded.

"I seriously am not in the mood Logan.  I need to be alone. " I seriously did not want to talk about it and Logan being in the same car with me isn't helping.

I wasn't much focused that I didn't feel him grabbing me by the collar and pushing me against the seat.  He was on my face and I did not appreciate him being in my personal bubble right now.

"Do you know what you just fucking did!?  Not only did you endanger yourself but also Moira!  You better have a fucking good reason with that temper tantrum kid! " I could only look at him but at that moment I didn't have the guts to even utter those words that rat even said.

"I do have a good reason however, I do wish you respect my decision with keeping silent for a while. " I pushed him away from me,  running my hand over the now wrinkled collar of my suit.

"This better be worth it Luc or you'll have more to fear than just having the Marcelo's knocking at your door. " he ordered the car to pull over,  getting down he got in another car and drove off.  That prick.

"where to boss? " Michael grumbled and I sighed -  he just drove without direction and we ended in front of a very familiar place.

"Michael. " he shrugged,  looking away he went back to fumbling with his phone.

I sighed getting out of my car,  I looked at the villa that was never used,  it was still empty - just like when I first saw it,  when we first laid eyes on it.

This was supposed to be home for us,  it was supposed to be us. Until Patricia changed the game.

2 years ago

Moira had already left me,  wanting to chase her Milano told me to give her some time,  told me to let her cool off.  We moved to our office,  the men have already departed and I was left alone with Patricia.

"What are you doing here? " I asked and she stood there,  looking at me with those hazel eyes of hers.

"We need to talk Luca. " she stood and dropped her bag on the seat,  walking towards me she placed a hand over my chest.

"We can talk without you coming so near. " I grabbed her hand and threw it away as if her touch disgusts me, taking a step back I kept my cold stare at her.

"You can't marry her Luc. " she rose her voice and I frowned with both what she said and how dare she raise her voice at me.

"What right do you have to even speak of such matters Patricia?  The relationship between us is over,  I am no longer your boss nor am I your lover.  You have already chosen where you wanted to be and that was with the man you married!  "  I slammed my hands on my table - the thundering sound echoing in the room.

"Please Luc.  You can't marry her!  I love you and I am pregnant with your child! " she screamed, crying on the floor she placed a hand over her stomach.

"Thats preposterous Patricia!  How dare you lie to my face!  " I stalked towards her, my teeth were grinding against each other, my hands were clenched into fists.

"Its not a lie Luc! Do you remember months back you visited me and you spent the night.. I had you drugged, we made love that night Luc! " she sounded delirious and desperate.. However,  I did know what she was talking about. Those were the times I was still heartbroken with the fact she chose another man over me.

It was also the same day I met Moira.

Yes,  We have only been together for months yet I felt thag strong connection and emotion for her,  that was why I felt the need and want to marry her immediately.

Looking down at her I noticed the bump she so tried to hide. She was pregnant indeed.

"You bitch.. " I grabbed a box off my desk, throwing it in her direction it landed just a little closer to her, she screamed loudly and held her stomach.

"Why are you ruining my happiness!?  What did I ever do to you Patricia! I wanted you to be happy,  I gave you a choice and you chose to be with him and now I found my happiness you ruin it! " grabbing another thing off the table I threw it against the wall shouting like a mad man. I felt mad..

Everything was falling apart and I couldn't take it anymore.

"get out of here. " I whispered and I could hear her coming towards me.

"I said Get out!! " turning to face her she gasped and ran out of the room.

Leaning against my desk I covered my face and felt the tears fall from my eyes.

I had called her several times,  to no avail - she never answered my calls and if she did,  she immediately ended the call.

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