In the end..its Him and I

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I have yet to hear from Luc, after dropping him off at his home I never heard from him again except from Michael.

"You know if you're going to look miserable why not just go to him yourself? " Darcy raised a brow whil she sipped her drink - I had been staring at mine.

"Then what?  Make it easy for him?  No way. " I downed my drink and looked out the window where I stared at really nothing in particular.

"Its you being mature with the situation you're both in right now. Just because you wanted to see him doesn't mean you're making it easy for him to win you back. " Cassandra spoke with such confidence and sense that sometimes it annoyed me but I knew she was right.

"I know where you're going with that Cass but.. " I sighed and looked down,  it was really hard to stop loving someone you have fallen for hard.

"You are both away from each other,  both tried to get over the other,  both failing as well. Don't you think its time to let go of the past?  If not then let go of him already if you can't get over that he married Patricia regardless of you knowing the reason behind it. " I could hear the annoyance in her voice and I couldn't help but call her out on it.

"What has crawled up your ass and died? " I sneered, taking my stand and she glared at me, Darcy just sat there looking at us back and forth.

"We just want you both to be happy Moira,  but how could that happen when one of you are so damn stubborn and full of pride. " She stood up as well and slammed her palm on the table as if emphasizing how angry she was right now.

"Well I'm sorry that we can't all have a goddamn fairytale love like yours and Logan. Sorry if I am merely guarding my heart from being broken and hurt yet again by the same man! Sorry if I am trying to be sensible this time and being cautious! " I rose my voice and later on just started crying. Cassandra sighed, pulling me close to her I mumbled incoherently and she just kept shushing me while she ran her fingers through my hair.

"All we want is your happiness Moira.. " Darcy spoke,  getting in our hug. These were on of those moments I felt happy that I have friends like these two.

They both left around midnight, I was again left alone - the silence was deafening and the emptyness was frightening.

It was dangerous for me to be alone recently since all I could think of was him, it was pathetic.. I'm pathetic and being a hypocrite, I say i'm mad at him yet I couldn't help but worry about him,  what he was doing? how was he feeling? Was he thinking of me?

I locked up my place, riding a lift that took me down to the parking lot I kept of thinking about him. What was I going to tell him?

The little ding echoed pulling me away from my little daydream, looking straight ahead me there I saw his car parked next to mine where he stood,  looking at me.

I got off the lift, slow steps I approached him never breaking eye contact just like what he's doing.

There were no words said,  we just kept each other's eyes trained at the other.  As soon as I got to hold him - my arms wrapped themselves around his shoulders, my fingers running through that silky hair of his.

His hands grazed my waist and just like me - his arms locked themselves around me.  Our lips against each others,  I couldn't help but let out a moan when his grip on to me grew a little tighter.

"I love you,  don't leave me.. " he whispered against my lips,  biting them he kissed me again before I can even respond properly - his lips moved to my neck,  my shoulder.. i couldn't fight it anymore.

I pulled away from him,  grabbing his hands I dragged him back to the lift - pressing the button that would lead us to the penthouse I turned to him and slapped him hard and before he could even speak I had pressed myself against the wall, pulling him down to me and capturing those kissed lips of his.

He raised one of my legs up to his waist, proceeding with the other - I was pressed between the wall and him. Our lips moving against each other - the temperature felt so hot or it was just us and how heated things are between us..

As soon as the ding came again - everything went by like a blur.. Next thing I knew I was in bed with him,  naked.

The night was what I imagined, moans and screams - a pleasurable evening that I didn't even get from Dean or can even compare to it.

I woke up to something warm caressing the skin of my shoulder,  fingers running from the curve of my waist to my hips and thighs.

Waking up to him next to me has always been a dream.. A dream that once became a nightmare.

"Good morning gorgeous. "

He smiled,  kissing my forehead - he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him.

"Good morning. "

Oh and what a good morning it was.

It felt like a dream, like I was still asleep or I was just delusional.. Luc was here in my home,  it was just the two of us - he was cooking breakfast,  stealing glances my way as if checking if I was still there or if I was indeed there.

I could only stare at him,  at his back - that messy ebony mane.. He was here, he isn't with her.

"What now? " I couldn't help but voice it out - he stopped what he was doing, turning the stove off,  he faced me and leaned against the counter.

"What now indeed... "he had this conflicted look in his eyes,  as if he was trying to figure out where are we going now?

"Luc,  you know where I stand.. I just need to know where does this stand in your grand plans. "

He sighed,  running his fingers through his hair - he couldn't keep eye contact and just bit that lower lip of his. To be honest, as much as he looks so handsome right now,  I know what that look entailed..

He was troubled.

"I'm in the process of divorcing Patricia.. She is supposed to receive the papers today - my lawyer is bringing it to make sure she'd sign them.. Michael will be on guard too, just in case. " he explained yet I still sense that there was something wrong.

"I am glad to know that.. " I sipped my cup of coffee,  still keeping my eyes trained on him.

"I'll have to leave for the day and after this.. Its just going be you and I" He smiled, coming closer he kissed my lips passionately.

For him i'd take a life, I swore.. in the end.. Its him and I.

The day was going well,  we kept contact - I didn't bother asking whether or not Patricia signed the documents because I knew he'd let me know.

I was on my way home and so was he,  I was getting ready,  donning my favourite black dress - we were going to celebrate..

But who expected that I'd be wearing it to a funeral instead.

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