The Unknown

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She walked around, her dress dragging behind her. Platinum blonde hair styled up in an elegant bun with intricate diamond pins around it, her ebony dress had diamonds scattered on the bodice making it look like the night sky with the stars all over it. The neckline dipped low showing enough cleavage to feed a perverts imagination and twisted dreams.

She walked around with a flute of champaigne at hand, her unemotional face covered in makeup, it was not thick nor was it not enough. It was just right that the color looked natural on her face, especially those Crimson lips of hers that could draw any persons attention.

Those stormy gray eyes of hers were calculating and cold, she watches you like a tiger and held herself like any royal. But she was no royal, she was Moira Genovese.

The woman who ran her fathers empire at the blooming age of 20, she is the brains and the brawn behind the beastly company that mainly dealt and created firearms, nuclear weapons and every kind of advanced weaponry you could think of. The profit they made rivaled against the Black Corporation that dealt with importing and exporting but they also went with sales which varied with different merchandises - they were rivals in the industry of business but they were personally friends.

Now in her 8th year, she still held the company in high regard. She smiled but it was rare, only when she is out with her friends which aren't much. They only consisted of Cassandra Black and Darcy Harper.

"Well..well look who Satan dragged in." Darcy spoke while drinking her whiskey, catching Cassandra's attention who smiled at the sight of another close friend.

Both were dressed to kill, Darcy wearing  a plum colored floor dress that bared her whole back and stopped just above her tush. Her all natural auburn hair was up in a bun, whisps of her hair escaped making her still look gorgeous with that make up that was just light as if she wore nothing at all except for those dark plum colored lips of hers.

Then there was their darling Cassandra, she and her husband were a force to be reckoned with. Logan Black loves his beloved wife that there was a time in their life that they fought through things people found unbelieving and their love for each other prevailed.

Cassandra was dressed in crimson, her dress had a high slit on the side that reached in the middle of her thigh. The diamond encrusted necklace she wore was the show-stopper along with those earrings that she was sure Logan gave her for their anniversary. Her ebony hair cascading down her back like a water fall but with a very dark color, she thought it was darker than the dress she wore.

"How are my little nephews?" Moira smiled and Cassandra sighed but you could see the pride and joy she has in her eyes if you spoke about her sons.

If you saw Cassandra and didn't know her personally she'd come off the same as Moira, a cold hearted b!tch who thinks she is high and mighty.

But that was far from what she was, she is a loving mother, a great friend who would stick with you through thick or thin but she will also set you straight when she sees you are going down the wrong path.

Cassandra has been through a lot but no one can ever change who she is and that was what Moira loved about her.

"Oh you know, same old same old." She smiled and Moira nodded in understanding. Her nephews were the couples pride and joy especially for Logan and Moira found every reason she could so that she could spoil those little buggers.

Speaking of Children, Darcy was expecting and Cassandra was planning on another one, with both her friends being happily married and having little replicas of them running around, Moira sometimes thought of her life.

She was single and well, she couldn't really think of settling down. She felt that it was just too early to be a mom and have a husband.

Moira is what people would mostly call a Playgirl, she is the female version of a Playboy, obviously. She went to occasions with different men who were more than willing to spend the day or night with her.

"So why no date tonight?" Darcy asked and Moira rolled her eyes making Cassandra snicker. They all knew what that look meant.

She wasn't in the mood.

"Well you will have to settle down at some point." Cassandra spoke and Moira knew that Cassie would give her the Mom talk again.

"I know mom but I am just not ready for that yet. I'm young, wild and free!" She laughed unbeknownst to her that her two friends looked at each other with knowing smiles that one day, this stubborn woman would settle.

"Well then, if you say so." Cassandra shrugged, taking a sip of her champagne. Soon two familiar faces came with hungry stares, Moira once again rolled her eyes, Logan and Mason stood behind their wives, placing a kiss on either the cheek or lips.

"Well if it isn't my favorite person." Logan drawled, smiling widely at the woman he considered a sister.

"Well if it isn't my favorite grandpa." Moira smirked and Logan glared but kept that playful smirk on his lips.

Logan recently didn't take lightly calling him old, it hurt his man-pride as Mason would like to call it.

"Congratulations Moira, your dad would be proud." Mason spoke and just the mention of her dad brought her into tears. The father she never thought she had.. she found him but their time together was limited.

She smile painfully and raised her glass to make a toast to her father.

The party was in full swing, she decided to make an escape outside to get some fresh air, greeting those she passed by and called her up.

Sitting on a stone bench, she looked at the magnificent sight in front of her that was situated at the back of the event building, taking a deep breath she took in the fresh air.

Reaching over her feet, she took her Christian Loboutin pumps off, grabbing the skirts of her dress she walked barefoot, the warm sand against her feet felt heavenly.

Walking close to the beach, she stood waiting for the water to hit her feet and when it did, she smiled feeling like a kid. The cold sea water soothed he aching feet and her bundle of nerves.

"Feels great doesn't it?" A male voice spoke beside her making her squeel in surprise.

She turned to see a man who just took her breath away, he had a face that you couldn't forget.

"Uh.. yeah." She looked away while he watched her, he loved the look of surprise on her face but he didn't see recognition in them, maybe it was too dark to recognize his face.

"So what are you doing out here?" He asked and she shrugged, not looking at him just in front of her. The waves crashed from a far, the moons light illuminated against the water's surface.

"Nothing really.. I just needed fresh air." She spoke softly. He knew that feeling of just wanting to be away from the crowd, he knew it all too well.

"Want to get out of here?" He asked and she whipped her head so quick he thought she was about to break her neck.

"Excuse me?" She sounded appalled and he was surprised.

"What?" He asked and she gasped.

"Excuse me?! But I do not know who you are to think of me like that. I am not your common whore!" She stabbed a finger against his chest, he smirked. So that's what she meant.

"Darling, I simply asked if you wanted to get away from the stocky party. Clearly you wanted escape." He explained and hearing it, she felt ashamed but she simply glared at him.

"Fine, but no funny business." She huffed and walked away, leaving her shoes he jogged behind her, grabbing her shoes after her.

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