To love you

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I came home, the door shut loudly that it echoed through the whole house, I heard her coming as well.

"Took you long enough to get home! " she stood above the grand staircase - her arms crossed,  wearing one of her silk evening gowns.

"The time I come home is none of your business Patricia. You may be my wife but remember this is only by name and paper - you will NEVER be Moira. " I walked past her,  my arm bumping her shoulder along the way,  making her stumble back a little.

"Before her, I was the woman you wanted. I have already admitted that I have made a mistake with marrying him,  I wasn't happy the way I was with you.  Why do you keep pushing me away Luc?!? " she chased after me,  grabbing a hold of my arm she tried to turn me around and face her but I refused which made her run infront of me.

"Do you really want to know why Patricia? " my voice was heavy with anger and I knew the day I married her - one of these days,  all the emotions I kept would just flood out and that was today..

Grabbing her arms tightly I glared at her hard, she hissed with pain demanding me to loosen my grip.

"I loathe your existence Patricia!" I shouted and that made her stop struggling,  she stared at me surprised.

"I loathe you..  I used to love you,  used to think of what our future would be together. I loved you because you knew me better than anyone before,  you knew me from day 1 and knew my regrets..  Now I will tell you,  you are one of my regrets.  You are no longer the woman I love,  you do not know me anymore and heck I do not know you at all..  You made your choices.. I will make mine. " sighing I stepped away from her,  looking at her frozen posture.

"Tonight was the last straw Patricia..  I will call my Lawyer in the morning and draw up the divorce documents. If you want money..  I'll make sure you receive a decent amount before we depart. You have nothing else holding me back Patricia.  I have already gone over the fact our son is gone, I may have blamed myself for the loss however..  Looking back into that now,  I gave you everything you wanted and needed - I had maids who served you well, I was there when you needed me. I cannot blame myself anymore with you having a miscarriage. I may have felt sorry for you that time,  but now its nothing more. "

Walking away I entered my bedroom and locked it up. We slept in different rooms,  I didn't want to be near her especially when I was in the state I am now.

Morning rose and I was ready to face another day without seeing her, my love..

Grabbing my phone I stared at our picture - we took it in a football game. We looked so happy as though there was nothing that could separate us.

I miss you.  -L

I sent the text,  getting out of my bed I got ready for the day, coming down I grabbed a coffee before leaving,  never saw Patricia and I really didn't care to.

I was set to meet up with some associates and come up with some agreements with the business we shared. Sending a quick message to my lawyer I told him to set up the documents for divorce,  that I would pass by later.

My phone pinged indicating I had a message and it was the one I least expected.

Want to meet up?  -M

I re-read the message over and over again until I got over the fact I wasn't dreaming, this was reality.

Yes was the only answer I could give,  I had gone through my day with nothing but her in my mind, I felt excited - like a kid in Christmas.

"Are you sure you want to give this kind of amount Mr.  Fiore? " my Lawyer Richard asked, looking over the draft I made earlier - it was a hefty amount I must say.

"Is it too much? " I asked taking a sip of my coffee and he rolled his eyes.

"Can I speak as your friend? " He asked and I nodded for him to go on.

"To be honest Luc, yes it is. A million flat?  Heck I would advise you give her half a million!" he sounded annoyed and all I could do was stare at him.

"Luc do you know that what she did to you is considered rape?  That she could've been thrown to jail for drugging you and fucking you while you were knocked out, she did it without your consent! " he went on ranting about how I was reckless enough to even let my guard down around such a woman, to believe her lies that he believes even the kid being mine was a lie since she did have a husband before me - like I wasn't aware of that.

The time I visited Patricia was so I could gain some closure and to make sure that things between us were fine.  I didn't expect that she would do what she did. She was already divorced with her husband at that time as well, says he was a rake and that he stopped caring the way he used to.

Inside me,  I felt bad for her because even before I liked her and became her lover, we were friends and living with her for over 2 years,  I noticed the changes that were never there.

When she had a miscarriage,  I saw the sadness in those eyes - she was broken and so was I,  I was excited to be a father even if it wasn't with Moira. After the loss of our child,  she became more possessive and sometimes delirious,  there are times she hung out in the nursery and just sit next to the empty crib.

No matter how much I hated what Patricia did,  I still couldn't help but feel sorry for her and I did promise a decent amount for her and I think this was enough.

"I still want you to lay on that amount,  its enough for her. " I finished up and all he could do was sigh.

"As you say Boss. " he grumbles and went on with typing and printing the documents.

"Have you spoken with Moira even after the fight last night?" he taps the documents against the table and files them in a folder.

"I texted her and it was even a miracle she responded." I smiled a little just remembering it.

"Well?  Are you gonna give me details? " he looked at me expectantly and all I could do was roll my eyes.

"No, you're worse than a woman when you spread rumors and I thought you were a lawyer not Paparazzi. " I smirked and took the folder from him making him groan in disappointment.

I bid him goodbye and left in a hurry,  wanting to meet up with her immediately.

I arrived but she wasn't there yet..  I wasn't stood up..  Was I?

I had that going on in my head until I saw her walk in with confidence that lit up the whole place and don't get me started about that beauty.

She looked around surveying the area until her eyes landed on me and I saw another thing that I didn't expect..  She smiled my way.

She keeps surprising me today it seems.

"Hey, didn't keep you waiting did I?" she smiled and I stood to pull out her chair and made her sit.

"Not at all.  Just glad you came.. " I sat down in front of her. I took my time just looking at her and I noticed the blush forming on her cheeks.

"I came..  Because I want to hear what you have to say,  I have been thinking that I have been selfish and that I didn't really hear your side on this. I am sorry.. " she rambled on and took a deep breath, I reached over the table and held her hand in mine.

"First..  I want you to know that I love you and I always will. " she gave me a littlw smiled and squeezed my hand.

"I know...  I still do too.. " She whispered and as I stared at her,  I knew this was going to be a long night.

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