Writing Books and Riding Sharks- Jalex one shot

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Alex gets like this every night. He goes quiet, and stares into space with no expression on his face whatsoever.

Anyone else would say he’s just tired or uninterested but Jack knew better. Jack had noticed the pattern, had picked up on the fact that it was always around sunset, when he was relatively alone. He didn’t say anything for a while but one night he just couldn’t help himself.

“Lex, what’s wrong?” He asked when they were alone together on the bus

It took Alex a second to register that he was being spoken to, “Oh, nothing. I’m fine” He replied, quietly

“No, tell me. You do this every night” Jack whined

“Do what?”

“You get all moody and look sad, and it makes me feel sad” jack pouted

“I’m not sad, I’m just….don’t worry”

“I’m worried. Why won’t you tell me?”

“Don’t be worried, it’s stupid” Alex sighs

“It’s not stupid, nothing you do is stupid”

“That’s because I don’t do anything” Alex mumbled, but Jack heard

“What do you mean?”

“Ugh, it’s just…like do you ever feel like you’re wasting your life away? I mean, all I did today was sleep until 3pm and then eat three sandwiches. I haven’t even showered!”

“So? Yesterday you played to 5000 people who absolutely adore you. Doesn’t that make up for it?”

“I don’t know, Jack, I’m 26, that’s nearly 30! I’m probably going to die soon and I haven’t even written a book, or rode a shark or-“

“Whoa, Lex, calm down. Who dies at 30? You’ve got like your whole life ahead of you! You can still write a book and ride a shark, you can do it tomorrow. Just because today’s over doesn’t mean your life is” Jack said, trying to calm Alex, who had clearly been thinking about death too much.

Alex took a deep breath and visibly relaxed, “Yeah, you’re right. Thanks Jack. I think I just over think things when I’m left on my own to long”, he laughed

“Well, I’ll have to stop leaving you alone” Jack replied as he brushed Alex’s fringe out of his face and leaned in to peck his lips softly.

“Good” Alex whispered as he kissed back

Writing Books and Riding Sharks- Jalex one shotWhere stories live. Discover now