Chapter One: It Starts Here

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It was a deadly battle which I could not forget. The Galra, a terrible species, were brutally beating us 'till we were bloody and bruised to close to death. I couldn't stand the pain as we all had fallen out of our lions. But what really pained me wasn't the physical pain. No, it was the fact that I saw Keith's life in danger. One of the Galra's arms were torn off and so was its ear. Keith was cut up badly. I tried to warn him what was coming next but it was too late. A knife pierced through Keith's stomach and he screamed. And that scream almost killed me. He was laying on his side, curled up. When the castle had its barrier up again, we went back to our lions, I grabbed Keith away with the Galra's back was turned. I cradled him in my arms. When we were inside, I slowly pulled out the knife. Keith was sweating from the pain and I tried to stay calm until we were inside. I picked him up again and raced to the center of the castle with the rest.

"Oh my God! Quick, get him inside the pod!" Princess Allura ordered quickly. Three days it will take to have him healed. I didn't sleep those three days. Instead, I waited for Keith to wake up, not knowing why I was. But I waited. I studied his face. It was peaceful when he was asleep in there. His black tight shirt showed his abs and how much he's been training. I looked down at his hands, realizing his gloves were kept on. I never really seen his hands much thanks to the gloves but his fingers looked fragile yet his whole hand looked strong. Because he was strong. I realized I was staring by now, but it didn't matter. He still wasn't awake. Until I realized he was fully healed after three days and let him out, letting his weight fall on me. He was light and not just because he was there for a while. His eyes opened slowly, leaning against me as I held onto him.

"L-Lance?" He asked weakly, trying to get off of me but I pulled him into a hug.

"Thank God that you're alive." I held onto him like he would slip away at any moment. He struggled a bit but soon sighed and wrapped his arms around me, trying to keep himself up. He was warm around me. I missed him. I've waited so long for him to wake up. "Oh God Keith I was so worried about you. I thought you would die."

"It's gonna take more than just a little stab to kill me, moron. Have a little more trust in me." We didn't let go. My body wouldn't let me. I was afraid this was a dream. But as soon as we heard voices coming to the room we let go, Keith was leaning on me to keep himself steady.

"Keith!" Everyone shouted and crowded around him. He looked a little overwhelmed as I felt him tense up against me.

"Alright step back. I bet Keith need more rest."

Later that night, it was maybe 1:00 in the morning. I was walking to clear my mind when I stopped at Keith's door. I heard faint music coming from within.

This is an anthem for the homesick

For the Beaten

The lost, the broken, the defeated

A song for the Heartsick, for the Standbys

Living life in the shadow of a Goodbye

The song picked up the pace as I continued to listen.

Do you remember when we learned how to Fly?

We play make believe, we were young, and had time on our side

You're stuck on the ground,

Got lost can't be found

Just remember that you're still alive.

I'll carry you home,

No, you're not alone!

Was this what Keith listens to? I was surprised. But what I didn't realize was that I was leaning against the door, which made it open and I fell inside his room. I looked up to see Keith's wide eyes and he shuffled around as quickly as he could to turn off the music and shove some stuff under the bed. He walked up to me, frowning slightly. "I know I was stabbed through the stomach but I don't need to be stalked." He helped me up. Damn, he was strong.

"I wasn't stalking. I simply heard music from your room so I listened to it. What song was that? I never heard of that song. I thought you would listen to Black Veil Brides or something." Keith shook his head. "Anyways..." I walked around his room before continuing. "How's your body?" I asked, not entirely thinking until I noticed his eyes go wide. "I mean your injuries!" I quickly reassured.

"Oh. Well," He slowly took off his shirt. I watched him slowly uncover his chest. There was a huge scar on his stomach, other areas were small scars. No one really would have noticed but I was looking closely at his body. "It's scarred up."

"How did you heal so fast?"

"Because I'm that G-word." He replied calmly.

"I'm pretty sure being gay doesn't do that." He tensed up and snapped his eyes towards mine.

"No! I mean because of the G-word race I have in my blood." Oh, right. Galra blood. Oops.

"Sorry... I just, everyone is spreading around that you're gay so that came into mind first." I explained myself. I saw Keith relax. The next words that came out of his mouth shocked me.


Song Used: Battle Scars (Acoustic) by Paradise Fears

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