Final: I've Waited

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Lance's Point of View-

I woke up and stretched. I looked at the clock. 10:12 am. Perfect. I got out of bed and went to grab some clothes but I stopped when I found an envelope. I opened it and my heart broke. It was from no other than Keith.

Dear Lance McClain,

By the time you read this, I'll be gone. Somewhere far away from where you and the other's can't find me. I'm so sorry, Lance. I dragged you into this mess. Maybe I'm the idiot after all. Funny, huh? After everything, I ran away like a coward you used to call me. I want to tell you that I love you with all my heart. I want you to know that how you make me feel is wonderful. When we first kissed, I wanted you to know everything. I wanted you to see me vulnerable and only you. Then you asked me to go out with you, and I knew that I couldn't be happier. I was always afraid of myself. I did use to cut myself and I hurt myself again too. Lance, I want nothing but for you to be happy. How I protected you? How I got the corrupted crystals? I did something horribly wrong. Uni was going to kill you to have me. I couldn't let that happen. I killed everyone, Lance. I didn't realize I did because I was blinded by rage. You must hate me now. I didn't want to face that fact that you and everyone else would hate me, so I left. Please don't try to find me. I'll probably be dead by the time you find me. Just remember I'm in your heart, okay? Don't be a dumbass and get yourself killed.

Love for only you,

Keith Kogane

I didn't realize I was crying until I finished reading. "Oh Keith, you moron," I whispered. I threw on some clothes and went into the dining room where everyone was cheerful. "I need someone to track an escape pod."

"What are you talking about?" Shiro asked, looking up at me.

"My boyfriend is missing. He escaped last night."

"Boyfriend?" Pidge looked at me, confused.

"Keith Kogane! He ran off!" Everyone froze. There was hesitation. A long pause. "Please! I need to find him."

"Lance... He put our lives in danger." Shiro started but I didn't let him finish.

"Who gives a fuck now?! Keith is now in danger! He'll die if we don't find him! I thought we were a team! Keith is a part of our team no matter what!" I wanted to help him. Hunk stood up, smiling a little.

"You know, he's right. Keith is a part of our team and our friend." Hunk spoke up. That made me brighten up. In the end, Shiro was the last one to pitch in.

It took about two weeks to finally track down the escape pod on a planet called Alistar. And when all four of us, me counting as the fourth got there, we searched everywhere. I was so happy to see him again. I raced around when I saw something run past me from afar. I followed and a bunch of wild animals chasing after the said running thing with hearts in their eyes. I ran and noticed black hair and my jacket. Keith. Keith jumped into the river to cross and the other animals stopped, scared of the water. I still followed, running faster until I launched my body on top of him, making him crash into the ground.

"Be very lucky that I love you, idiot." I ruffled his hair and turned him over so he could see me.

"L-Lance?" His eyes were wide but showed a hint of happiness. I nodded and he wrapped his arms around me tightly. "I thought I told you not to look for me." He whispered softly.

"Keith, I've waited so long for you. To have you. When you were in the healing pod, when we kissed, when we would start dating, when I was stuck in that healing pod, and when you left. I've waited for you because I love you." I confessed. His face was hot in color. Bright red. I leaned down and pulled his hair out of his face, slowly kissing his lips in a soft and longing kiss. His lips moved against mine, running his hands through my hair as I ran my hands downward. To his waist that was skinny. I could feel his bones. I rubbed them in circles as we kissed. I slid my tongue inside, roaming his mouth that tasted a lot like strawberries. I pulled away. "You know, you look hot in my jacket. Wear it more often." If Keith's face was already red, it was flaming red now. "Now come on, let's go home baby." I lifted him up, cradling him in my arms as we walked back to my lion. I turned on my comm. "I got him, guys. He's alright." There was a lot of sighs of relief. I sat down in the controls and sat him in my lap. He laid on my shoulder. I turned off my comm and looked at Keith. "May I see?" I gestured his arm. He seemed to hesitate.

"I guess. It's not all that bad." I rolled up the sleeves and my heart tightened seeing the scars traced left and right. I kissed one of his scars, which that resulted in him yanking his arm away. "Are you insane? You're insane." He hid his face in my jacket.

"You're too cute. Alright Blue, take us home to the castle." I drove around the space.

"I still say you're the worst pilot ever." He groaned, making me look down at him, acting hurt.

"I thought you loved me."

"Not admitting it." I knew he loved me. And he didn't really have to say it. It didn't bother me any. I loved him and I knew by his actions he loved me too. As we got into the castle, I didn't let go of his hand. Everyone apologized but Shiro was the one who needed to apologize the most.

"Keith, I know my actions were wrong. I should have never blamed you. However you saved us, I am proud of you. You've grown and I see that you found someone to trust and let into your heart. I do apologize." Keith just smiled, squeezing my hand. I squeezed back. I dragged Keith into his room and kissed him again, shoving him against the wall. His legs were wrapped around my waist as his hands roamed around me. I sighed, feeling relaxed. I cupped his cheeks before pulling away.

"There was one more thing I've waited for." He looked at me, questioning.

"What would that be?"

"I've waited for you."

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