Chapter Two: The Kiss

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Keith's Point Of View-

"They're not wrong..." I mumbled, hopefully, Lance didn't hear. I have been gay for a while. I looked up at Lance.

"What? They aren't?" He asked. ---- I said that aloud. I looked straight down at the ground. Is it possible for my face to grow this hot? If not, I think I just made it possible.

"Please, Lance don't say anything? I rather not have anyone in my business." I begged, still not looking at him.

"Keith, look at me," I hesitated. Why does he want me to look at him? I slowly looked at him in the eyes. "If you don't want me to tell, I won't. I mean, after all, I want you to trust me. This is good bonding after all." I looked down, shaking my head in amusement. I wasn't used to smiling around others, as gothic and emo as that sounds. Ever since I found out I was half-Galra, I didn't get that luxury. Everyone was on edge after that incident. I tensed up when I felt a hand on my back but quickly realized that it was just Lance's hand. "Can I ask you something personal?"

"Um, I guess it depends on how personal?" I replied in question. What was he going to ask?

"Have you ever even had a boyfriend?" Okay, a little bit too personal. I shivered in horror at the memory.

"Yeah, just a bit personal question." I ran my hand through my hair, letting the strands of black run through my hair. There were about a thousand reasons for me not answering that question. I looked at him with an emotionless expression, trying not to show a little pain at the memory.

"Oh come on! The most personal question would be me asking if you would kiss me." He crossed his arms. I rather kiss you than answer that. "Wait, really?" I said that out loud. Great Keith, just great.

"Yeah. But you'd be too chicken to kiss me because you're straight."

"I'm not a chicken!"

"Then come over here and kiss me, moron," I smirked, testing him. It's not like he was actually going to do it. Or so I thought. He was quick on his feet to me and pull me close to his body and kissed me. On the lips. His left hand tangled in my hair and his right hand had grabbed my hip in a hold. I didn't really know what else to do except kiss back. I let my eyes close, wrapping my arms around his neck. He dangerously stepped closer, pressing us together. His tongue slipped into my mouth and my legs went weak. Our tongues tangling together and I let him invade my mouth, letting a small moan escape my throat. This was going too far but I couldn't stop. It felt good. So right. I didn't know why. Was I falling for him? I had this same feeling back when I got out of the pod. A warm, fluttering feeling in my stomach. He pulled away, both of our eyes opening as we looked at each other in shock. "That didn't mean anything, right?" I asked, unsure of myself. He shook his head, meaning it meant nothing. I chuckled a little, avoiding eye contact with his beautiful eyes that I had just noticed. "You're a good kisser by the way. Not meaning that in a romantic way, but just saying you are." I felt my face heat up a little as that came out of my mouth. I glanced out of the corner of my eye and saw a light pink spread across his face. My face went hotter noticing we were in the same position when we were kissing. We didn't move. We didn't say anything. Until I made the first move. And that was not to move away. I stood on my tip toes, capturing his lips in mine again. I had no idea what I was doing, nor I guess he didn't know either. We were going on instinct I guess. Both of his hands went down my lower back and up my shirt, making me wrap my arms tighter around him when his hands went up against my stomach, touching the large scar. That made me feel weaker than before. I felt vulnerable. And for some reason, I loved that only Lance can see that. It's like I wanted him to make me feel like this. Weak to my knees, hot, and let my soft side show a bit more. I didn't realize I wasn't spacing out until Lance's fingers brushed against the sensitive part of my chest. I ran my hands up into his shirt, feeling him too. I copied his movements. We pulled away instantly, yanking each other away, covering our mouths.

"What the hell?" I heard Lance mumble in disbelieve. We both looked at each other in shock. "Keith... What the fuck just happened?" He asked. That's what I want to know.

"I don't know Lance. It's best if you just leave before this gets any further. After all, you've said before. It means nothing."

It was moments later, Lance left, and I slept. The past events went through my mind. I woke up early that morning and headed towards the training deck. Before I was kicked out of Garrison, I was romantically involved with someone. I tried so hard to forget his name, and I did. But he had used me in the past. I just took it, knowing inside my heart, if I got too mad things would go wrong. I didn't know I was part Galra at the time but I knew that it would be bad. So I took it until I was kicked out of the Garrison. And here I am now, in a castle, kissing another guy again. I didn't know why I kissed Lance or really why he decided that kissing me back was a good choice. I just want to confront him. To find out why. Was I starting to fall for Lance? Maybe. Could I really go to anyone about this? No, I couldn't. Shiro doesn't even know I'm gay. I just think that he doesn't need to know. I looked down at my arms after level four of the training ended. My arms still had scars from way back then. I was able to let them show because no one can really see them easily. I hated myself for that. What I've done to myself.

"Keith, we need to talk." I turned to Lance.

"About what?" I asked, acting oblivious. Lance looked around before walking closer to me. "Oh, I see. You wanna talk about last night." I whispered in a low voice.

"Exactly. Look, I really need your input on it."

"What is there to say? You're a good kisser and I wanted more. I don't even know I have feelings for you. I just know I want to do that again." I wasn't telling him everything. Definitely not.

"To be honest, I kind of felt the same." He smirked, coming closer.

"What are you doing Lance?" I asked. I was becoming nervous yet anxious.

"Oh you know, Keith." He kissed me. It was soft and warm. He was holding my hands as we kissed his hands, warm and bigger than mine.

"What if people see?" I asked worriedly. I didn't want people to know I was gay. Or even worse, being found kissing Lance.

"Everyone is asleep baby." I blushed at the new nickname. We continued to kiss, my Bayard on the ground as he started to run his hands up and down my arms, calming me down from my doubts. "Can I kiss you in other places? I want to try something." He whispered huskily in my ear. I nodded, trying not to make a sound as he started kissing my neck. I tilted my head, giving him more access to my neck. I ran my hand through his hair and soon, he moved away from my neck.

"I-I, um," I blushed.

"I really don't understand why I enjoy kissing you. Looking at you. Holding you. Touching you. I enjoy it all. Why?" Was he into guys? That's when I realized with that thought I knew I was falling for him. Him holding me at the pod, me getting nervous when he heard my music and came into my room in the middle of the night, I tempted him to kiss me, I wanted more when he kissed me, the reasons why I wanted him to see me vulnerable. It all makes sense.

"Keith I think..."

"Lance I think..."

"I might be falling for you."

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