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Lestrade had been going crazy , the phones were buzzing and reports of a tall man aparantly. Look a like of sherlock was roaming the streets of down town London sometimes dazed and confused but other time claiming he's the most clever person on the planet . Greg had his suspicions but he did not believe in his ordinary thoughts , if only sherlock WAS here . Lestrade stop and for the first time actually started to miss the son of a nut job . He had heart ' a heart for work and the people close to him . He was not a machine just a traumatised young boy who believes that science is everything. ' dammit sherlock come back ' he almost yelled but luckily he was the only one at the office. Move ing on from sherlock Greg started to wonder about John , how he had been coping the last year and a half . He had heard by word of mouth that he did not take sherlocks suicide very well , but then again no one had .Even poor old Anderson was blubbering like a baby and not even Donavan could comfort him . Our life's were torn apart in those 3 seconds . ' god if you real just give us sherlock back give us our angel please ' tears slowly ran down Greg's old face and gaining pace dropped onto the floor staining the carpet.lastrard quickly wiped his eyes , collected his old , dirty cote And starrked out of Scotland Yard and leavening all emotions behind him in the dingy and dark room.

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