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Sherlock had just layed down for the night but considering he had been sleeping routh for the last 18 months he was ready for a sleepless night. His mind always gose into overload at night all the things he regrets His main regret the only regret .john why didn't he tell him how he felt . He came to the conclusion that he didn't tell Watson because he was certain he did not feel the same way and he did not want to feel tht heart picking pain did not want to Expiriance it. Sherlock shot up in his make shift bed and reached of a picie of paper and a pen and wrote 11 words


I would give up the world for you and I did.

He found an envelope and Seald it shut .He knew that it was to risky to deliver the note but he could not risk it but he had to .To see his face again would solve all his problems .He got up and headed for bakers street.221B to be exact and sliped the small white enverlope through the

Letter box and quickly ran away this cote covering him face.

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