the call

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Sherlock was back at the fountain , desperately searching for answers , when he got a call . It was the hospital .

"Is he alright " he asked eagerly into the mike.

"I'm sorry Mr Holmes , I would have to ask you kindly to come to the hospitl"

Sherlock didn't wait for any answers before he raced off to the hospital.

Sherlock arrived at the hospital red in the face and holding his side from the stitch he has revived from the runing.

"I'm here to see John Watson" he told the receptionist breathlessly.

"Yes , sir please follow me " . He trudged along after the woman an soon arrived at a office and advised to sit down . Sherlock knew even before the think man opened his mouth.

"John...?" He asked hopefully for once wishing he didn't have the power of deduction.

"I'm sorry Mr Holmes , we had to perform a emergency surgery to remove a hemotoma pressing on his brain and..." The doctor waverd.

"And what?!?" The detective yelled forcefully .

"And his heart gave out before we could do anything, I'm sorry for your lose Mr Holmes "

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