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+ ashton +

The sound of distant chirping birds was the only audible sound to his ears as he peeled his eyes open, pushing himself up from his position on the bed. He'd slept on his stomach the previous night, causing dried blood from his busted lip to attach itself to the pillow cover and leave a red stain.

Drool rolled down his chin; sleep held in the corner of his eyes; his hair ruffled and standing in many different directions. He shortly noticed he was still dressed in the clothing he'd chosen for the day before; an agriculture shirt with blue skinny jeans, ripped at the knee. His vision was slightly blurred, due to not having his glaces, which were in fact, broken.

"Ash? You up yet?" His mother called through the creak of his bedroom door.

"Yeah," He replied in his in-famous morning voice, the scratching of his vocal cords causing his eyes to water just a tadd.

"How are you feeling, Sweetheart?" She asked, pushing the door open and making her way to the side of his bed. "You passed out as soon as you came in here last night," She stroked the knotted curls off his forehead, sweat consuming the skin.

He shooed her hand away, adjusting it by himself. "I'm fine... What's today?" He questioned, looking slightly dazed as he pushed himself off the bed.

"It's Friday... Are you sure you're ok?" She checked, sounding purely concerned for her sons well-being. "You've come home nearly every single day with a bloodied face and just recently you've been coming home late... I'm worried, Ash," She placed her hand on his shoulder.

He shrugged her arm off, "Fine. I'm fine. I'm going to take a shower" He furrowed his eyebrows before exiting the room into his attached bathroom; walking into multiple walls due to his minor lack of vision. It wasn't the best bathroom a boy could ask for, but it was enough to get in there, do your business and get out. It was enough to get him by.

He stepped out of his clothes, ruffling his messy hair before sliding into the confinements of the white-tiled shower. The water rolled down his back, along the soft surface of his skin causing relaxation to spread throughout his entirety. It was something well-needed for a boy in such pain.

He took this moment to analyze the past two days.

In his eyes, Edith was just so perfect. A simple touch was enough to cause his heart to set into overdrive. She had this affect on him that caused words to fail to exit his mouth properly. She fuzzed his mind in a way that humanly wasn't even possible. All he could think about was her long, blonde hair and those dazzling hazel eyes of hers. He wanted to hold her in his arms and have her petite ones around him.

"Ash! It's 8:00! School starts in twenty minutes. So hurry up!" His mother, whom stood outside the bathroom door with a dish-towel swung over her shoulder, hollered.

"Alright! Calm down, Woman," He whispered the last part, finally washing off the shaving cream from his face. He slowly stepped out of the shower, saddened that the warmth he'd gained was now gone.

+ edith +

Edith's canvas shoes padded their way along the concrete pavement as she set off on a journey to find Ashton's house she'd recently searched for. Turns out, he only lives a block away from her which makes the trip that much shorter. Her beaming smile was enough to cause passing pedestrians to wonder what mischief she was up to. It wasn't a regular thing for her to be this happy; especially in public.

She finally stopped in front of the large, two story house. It was a lovely house; brick walls, a shrub fence surrounding, a metal gate at the front, a white wooden porch with orange round chairs out the front. It seemed fairly modern, and such a thing made her wonder as to the reason why he was bullied. He clearly had it all.

She adjusted the sleeves over her wrists, making sure to keep the scars hidden in case Ashton was to see them. She pushed the gate open, butterflies filling the pit of her stomach as she walked closer and closer to the front door.

Maybe I should turn back, she considered.

She balled her right fist up, knocking lightly on the wooden door and waiting patiently for whom ever opened it. Soon enough, a small boy around the age of 10 with light brown hair opened the door. A look of confusion struck his features as his eyebrows furrowed.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"I'm Edith; one of Ashton's friends. Is he here or has he left already?" She asked, peeking behind the boy to see a girl looking fourteen, dressed in her school uniform passing by with a phone agains't her ear.

"He's upst-" The boy began to speak.

"Who is it, Harry?" Ashton jumped down the stairs, pulling a maroon shirt over his head. Once his eyes landed on Edith, he pulled his shirt down quickly, a blush creeping to his cheeks.

"Hey, Ash." She smiled brightly at the boy.

"H-hey." He waved a shy wave at her.

"Mum! Ashton has a girlfriend!" Harry boomed through the house, causing both the elders to blush crimson.

"N-No I D-Dont!" He picked Harry up by his feet and began to carry him to the stairs and sat him down before returning to Edith.

"Sure looks like it." Ashton's mum leaned agains't the wall beside Ashton with a smirk planted on her lips.

"Hi, Mrs. Irwin. I'm Edith, Ashton's new friend," Edith extended her hand to the tall blonde lady beside Ashton.

"Please. Call me Anne." The woman shooed away her hand before embracing the blonde in a hug.

"Would it be alright if I walk him to school?" She asked as she pulled away from Anne, the whole time Ashton hadn't drawn his gaze away from Edith's pure beauty.

"Of course you can, Sweatheart" The woman smiled brightly at her before spinning around on her heals and walking away.

"Have you got your stuff?" She asked Ashton, who blushed crimson yet again as he'd been caught staring.

He adverted his gaze to his fiddling thumbs, "I'll get it". He spun around and disappeared up the stairs, leaving Edith to wait for him at the door.

"So, you are the girl who keeps saving Ashton ass," The brunette girl around 14 walked over, inspecting every inch of Edith; from her eyes to her mouth to her body to her feet.

"I wouldn't say saving... More like fixing him up afterwards... But i'm going to put a stop to it," She announced.

"Well, you both have my approval" She smiled. "I'm Lauren" She announced, wrapping her arms around the girls torso.

"Hello," She replied, wrapping her arms around Lauren's shoulders, trying not to seem rude.

The two pulled apart before Lauren strode down the hallway, bumping shoulders with Ashton as he jumped down the stairs for the second time that morning. He shyly smiled to Edith as he made his way over to her. "Shall we head off?" She asked.

"Y-yeah" He replied.

Edith clasped her hand with Ashton's, pulling him out of the house and into the chilly Sydney morning air.

The morning dew covered the cars, tree's, grass, giving the shiny and new texture that they obtained once long ago. Fogg was hovering just above the house-tops in a way that gave the area the type of horror film persona.

The two made their way down the long cement sidewalk in the direction of school, noticing a few familiar faces here and there along the sidewalk.

"Oh.. and I fixed these," Edith said, pulling out the large, black rimmed glasses from her saddle bag. Ashton's glance landed on the familiar item, in which he smiled and placed them on, pushing them up the bridge of his nose.

"T-thank y-you" He blushed once again.

"Anytime, Ash" She replied.

a/n: sorry it's late, i've been busy. comment what you think :) do you guys ship Ashith or Eshton? ~ Hannah

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