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+ edith +

Edith slouched into the hard, plastic chair she was seated in as she endured the longest lecture she'd ever had to listen to from her teacher, Mrs. Peyton. Students rolled up balls of paper and chucked them at each other, not giving a single damn what the teacher had to say. But with Edith, every word that rolled off Mrs. Peyton's tongue seemed to sink into Edith's brain and catch her in a trance. The outer-space had always interested her.

"Hey? E-Whore?" Someone whispered to Edith, catching the blonde's immediate attention. She furrowed her eyebrows at Daisy. The only thing real about her was her taste in music. She wore red lip-stick and fake eye-lashes everyday. Her face was plastered in make-up and her boobs looked like basketballs stuck to her chest. Her hair was obviously dyed brown as her eyebrows were naturally blonde and you could see blonde at the roots, as well as the extensions stuck to the bottom of her head.

"Where'd you get that outfit? The Reject Shop?" Daisy chuckled, turning to the blonde girl sat beside her and highfiving her. Tears began to form in Edith's eyes as she turned to face the front. Maybe Daisy's right... Maybe I am a worth-less nothing. Maybe I am a waste of space and maybe I deserve everything she's thrown at me..... Maybe i'm just over-reacting. Calm down, Edith.

A single tear slid down her cheek, before she abruptly stood up and gathered her belongings. She quickly exited the classroom, hoping and praying to god that no one had noticed the salty-droplets rolling down her rose-red cheeks. But who knew, they wouldn't care if they did anyways. No one ever did.

Her gaze suddenly landed on the oh-so-familiar clump of messy ash brown curls not so far down the hall. His back was pressed to the lockers behind him as he hugged his knee's with his head furrowed into his arms. Just audible sniffles could be heard from him, followed by muttered words that Edith was unable to decipher.

Edith placed her belongings on the floor beside Ashton once she had finally reached him, and sat cross-legged in front of him. His head shot up almost immediately. His eyes were blood shot and tear-trails stained his cheeks, just as they did for Edith.

"Hey Buddy." She smiled weakly to him.

"The-they were t-teasing m-me again-n," He whispered and hid his head shamefully behind his arms.

"Same," She sighed. "I'm so sick of feeling worthless... I'm so sick of people thinking they can just trod all over you and I... I'm sick of believing their insults and letting it get to me." She looked up to the roof, in attempt to prevent the hazel-eyed boy from seeing her breaking, although the idiot was hiding behind his make-do barrior and obviously wouldn't.

And in that moment, something clicked in the large brain of hers. Edith began to plot the most evil plan she ever had, and she knew exactly what to do and how to do it. She wanted revenge. She wanted those who made her like this; suicidal and down all the time, to pay for everything they did. She wanted them to feel worthless and bad about theirselves just as she does. She wanted them to loose their status and fall to un-popularity. She wanted them gone from existence for all she cared.

"Ashton. I'm going to announce something to you, understand? I want you to just listen and here me out. If you like it you can keep and if you don't, just send it right back, okay?" Edith suddenly announced.

Ashton popped up from his hiding place and nodded.

"Okay." She paused for a moment, trying to think of how to say this to him. "We shouldn't have to deal with this, Ash," She began. Ashton nodded in reply, urging for her to continue and get straight to the point. "We can put a stop to it, if you just agree with me," She continued. Ashton nodded yet again. "We can teach them a lesson... Pay them back for everything they've done to us... Humiliate them, torcher them... Repay the wrongs we didn't deserve... All you have to say... is yes." She stared intently into his mouth-watering eyes, all-the-while Ashton nodded.

"Yes," He replied, a smile appearing on his lips. Prominent dimples etched into the surface of his cheeks, while creases formed at the corners of his eyes showing the fact that this was no fake smile, this was real and it was all on show for Edith. She felt her heart flutter, a stampede of butterflies form in her stomach and her head becoming lighter.

"How about we go somewhere private and discuss more maters resolving this subject?" Edith smirked maliciously towards Ashton, who returned the gesture while nodding. The pair stood to their feet, collecting their items they had scattered on the white, glossy, tile floor. They walked in cinq, heading towards the front double door exit with not one single word spoken.

Once they had made it to the school yard, the two sat under the un-famous large oak tree and set up their belongings. Ashton pulled out his art book and a pen and wrote at the top of the page, 'How To Take Down The Populars', and then handed it to Edith, who smiled and thanked him.

"What shall we do first?" Edith questioned Ashton. He closed his eyes as if he were thinking deeply.

"W-we m-make i-it look like w-we don't ca-care what they say," He announced, opening his eyes to meet with Edith's. A blush formed on his cheeks as he sheepishly looked away, earning a smile from Edith.

Edith placed the pen to the page and wrote out what Ashton had said. 'Make it look like what they say doesn't affect us'. She turned the book to show Ashton, who nodded approvingly. She placed the book back on her lap, and began to think intently on what to do next.

"Take a picture of Luke picking his nose." Edith chuckled and turned to Ashton. "I always catch him doing it but no one else ever does. If we do this, he will definitely loose at least half of his popular status," Edith told Ashton. He let out a booming sound of laughter and nodded vigorously. Edith copied her words onto the page.

"T-take p-pictures of Daisy hook-king up with o-other b-boys," Ashton suggested, raising his eyebrows.

"Catch Daisy cheating on Luke," Edith bit her lip while writing it down knowing that those two steps would loose both popular delinquents their fame in the high school. "And now we need to loose the minions they call friends," Edith glanced up to the large school building while thinking hard.

"W-we could write h-horrible notes about them a-and leave them in their l-lockers and sign them from D-daisy and L-lukem" Ashton announced, in which Edith copied down every single word he had spoken.

"Good... good. Now we need to turn the entire school on them." Edith bit down on Ashton's pen, completely forgetting it wasn't her own. "We could make Daisy's clothes look trashy and turn the fashion society on her... and take you to self-defence classes so you take on Luke and make him look weak and turn his football buddies on him," Edith thought aloud. Ashton nodded, took the pen from Edith's mouth and wrote down what Edith had said, paraphrasing of course.

"I-I could teach you some sn-snarky comebacks?" Ashton suggested.

"YES! I always seem weak or pathetic when trying to defend myself," She sighed and crossed her arms over her chest while pouting. Ashton chuckled and wrote down exactly what he had proposed.

"And finally... w-we take over th-the school." Ashton departed his gaze from the page to finally meet Edith's after minutes of not.

"This is going to be a great few weeks, don't you think?" Edith smirked again.

"Yeah, because I'll be spending it with you" Ashton mumbled, looking away from Edith.

"If I had to choose out of the whole school on who I would do this with, it would always be you because no one is youer than you," Edith winked to Ashton, causing him to blush tomato red. Although he didn't pick up on the quote, it did make him smile.

Boy, did they not know what they were in for when sealing the deal.

a/n: i'm so sorry i haven't update in a while. I've had writers block, camp and I went to a festival yesterday. Oh, and the next chapter is the page in which they wrote down what they are going to be doing to take down the populars. so, stay tuned for more, because the humor side of this book is coming soon :P - hannah

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