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+ everyone +

"Alright, lads and lady. I understand that recent complications have pro-longed our plans on taking down the popular's, and that strong bonds have been formed with members of the dark side, but I feel as though if we let things continue the way they are, nothing will be the way we want it," Edith announced to the three teenagers sitting before her, consisting of; Ashton, Michael and Alison.

"The only thing that's being pro-longed is this god damn speech!" Michael threw his hands up.

"If you don't shut your trap, you can fuck off," Alison snapped.

"Sorry," Michael's head tilted to stare at his lap out of pure shame.

"As I was saying, if the tension between the outcasts and the plastics is ever going to be ridden of, we have to act quick. Alison and myself have devised a plan that will degrade the popular's down to our level, but won't ruin any friendships we have formed or are yet to form," Her voice was loud enough to cause Ashton to jolt. "Alison, if you will."

The newly-blue-haired girl rose from the plastic chair she was seated on before making her way to the blackboard covered by a sheet of paper, behind Edith. With a flick of her wrist, writing scribbled in white chalk was revealed, the paper falling to the floor bellow. Both Michael and Ashton's eyes training over the surface momentarily as silence filled the empty classroom they were in during lunch time.

"Step one: become more than acquaintances," Edith announced. "We feel as though, if we are close to both Luke, Daisy, Chloe and Sara, we will have an insight to their day-to-day way about things. Michael and Ashton, you pair will be charming the pants off of Chloe and Sara to get to the stage where they'll spill details about Luke and Daisy's relationship. Where-as, Alison will be be-friending Daisy and I will be gaining more knowledge about Luke."

"Step two: slowly tear apart the relations," Alison had decided to continue. "The more they all hate each other, the easier it will be to bring them down, but without hurting them. You see, if we slowly tear them apart, they'll be drawn to one of us and will choose one of us over their original friends. But remember, it doesn't just happen with-in the click of your fingers. You have to spend every waking hour working on this as if it's a school assignment. But remember who your true enemies are. If we all end up turning on each other, everything will be ruined."

"And last but not least, step three: make a choice," Said Edith. "Put them in a situation where they feel as though they have to choose. For example; Ashton, when you and Sara are close enough that you could be classed as 'joined at the hip', invite her over your house in front of Chloe, and then ask her if she'd prefer to hang with Chloe and she'll definitely choose you... If you choose the right time to do so. It can't be when you've only just started getting along. It has to be when she starts calling you for everything and telling you everything, understood?"

"Yes, ma'am," Ashton saluted.

"Good," A chuckle slipped past Edith mouth.

"Wait.. So.. Basically, we're becoming besties, drawing them away from their old mates and making them choose between us?" Michael questioned for clarification.

"Yes," Alison made her way around the teachers desk, seating herself on Michael's lap where she wrapped one arm around his shoulder and placed her spare hand, flat on his chest. "Now give me some love," She cooed, as Michael pressed his lips firmly to Alison's, smirking immensely.

"My turn?" Ashton had risen from his seat, slowly making his way over to Edith with a grin spreading across his face, reaching from ear to ear.

"You're so adorable," Edith shook her head, heightening herself on her tippy-toes, brushing her nose agains't Ashton's before fluttering her eyelids shut, jolting at the electric spark from when her's and Ashton's lips had met. "I love you," She whispered, the wording still a foreign speech for her to say, but the more she did, the more she wanted to.

"I love you more," He slid his hands from holding onto her hip-bones, to grasping her bottom rather firmly, earning a muffled moan from the blonde that sent him crazy.

"Seriously? Even we have the decency to keep our sexual sounds to a minimum," Michael groaned.

"If you knew what's best for you, you'd keep your pie-hole shut," Edith pulled away briefly to glare at the purple-haired boy who held his palms up in defence, returning to whispering in Alison's ear.

"Peasant's," Ashton had scoffed, shaking his head.

"Read my mind," Edith giggled, nuzzling her head into the crook of Ashton's neck.


"Luke! Hey, Luke!" Edith only just managed to hold her books clasped rather tightly in her hands as she chased the tattooed boy down the crowded hallways. She managed to catch glances of his hair every-now-and-then, he being unable to hear the girl desperate to catch up to him.

"Oh, hey Edi," He smiled, pulling his headphones off and letting them sit around his neck. "Want me to carry those for you?" He questioned.

"Boy, do I," She laughed, handing him the objects.

He let out a chuckle, before saying; "What's up?"

"The roof," The blonde let out a sigh, slumping her shoulders.

"Very funny. What're you doing this afternoon? I heard Ashton was dis-charged from the hospital, right? You gonna hang with him?" The pair turned a corner, heading towards the Science labs.

"Slow down, buddy. I was thinking you and I could chill at the skate-park this afternoon," She announced, a bright smile greeting Luke's plump lips.

Never did he think that Edith would choose him over Ashton. The bond the two hazel-eyed lovers had was too strong to be broken. He'd tried many times, as you'd already know, and the pair keep forgiving each other every time. It's like an elastic band being pulled in different directions, almost to it's breaking point until eventually, you let go and it's flings back together. They didn't want to leave each other.

"Really? Oh wow. Sure," He was slightly shocked.

"Yeah. I wouldn't just ditch you in a flick of a switch. After all, you did help me through my darkest time and I appreciate that. Not many people would be willing to help an emotional wreck like me and I'm very proud that you'd throw away your social status for some outcast like me," Luke's grin was forever growing at every word Edith was speaking. He never knew the effect of one simple deed could have on someone. This was the best feeling in the world to him.

"Anything for you, babe," He used his spare arm to wrap around Edith's shoulder, balancing the textbooks with much skill in his other. "Anything for you," He mumbled more to himself than to the girl extremely close to his side, with her own petite arm around the lads torso.

"I guess.. the people who care less, care the most, right Luke?" Edith turned up to look at the blonde boy, her hazel eyes peering questioningly into his blue's as she avoided the curious glances she was recieving from fellow students she'd never cared about.

"Yeah," He replied.




a/n: it's been so bloody long since i updated. i'm so sorry, and this wasn't even that interesting. gosh. i have major writers block. i'm so tired, i have so much homework and school's just giving me so much emotional stress. i can't handle this. my life is so complicated right now. i don't even know anymore. I just feel like giving up. things would be so much easier that way. no one would care anyways, so :L - hannah

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