02. Arrival

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​​​​​In the Sakamaki mansion.. There a six vampire yelling and make a noisy sound can be heard around the mansion while there have one human living with them. ​​​​​​"Oi!! Chichinashi, came here?!" A red hair vampire to the the poor human girl. "W-What is it, Ayato-kun?" she ask. "I'm hungry!!" They red hair name Ayato ordered her. "Aww, it's not fair! I also want to drink Bitch-chan's blood!" Another vampire with a hat or his head speak. "Get away from my doll!!" A purple hair boy shout at them while holding his teddy bear.

"Troublesome..." The tsundere albino say. "OI! BE QUIET!" Then another new voice came, shouting. "How many times do I need to tell you all to take your private activities to your room!" A serious black hair vampire with a glasses say while adjusting his glasses. Everyone was so noisy, that they didn't even notice there was a knock. "Hmm?" Reiji mumbled and told everyone to be quiet, then suddenly the mansion's door busted wide open.

Yui was shocked to see a familiar looking white haired girl, wearing a black and half-white strips cloth without sleeves, a white leggings and white heel-shoes. She was panting heavily. Folded her arms and she was apparently glaring at the vampires then frowns. "I'm sorry.. I can't stand to wait for one of you open the door and it's raining outside" Yui's eyes then widened in realization. "(Y/N)-chan?" The said girl turn her head to the side and saw Yui. She smiled widely and it was clearly sincere. "Usagi-chan!  MY KAWAI BUNNY!!!!"

((sorry.. if the characters's OOC))


​​​​​​"Usagi-chan! MY KAWAI BUNNY!!!!" I ran and spinning hug her which make her screaming a little. "(Y-Y/N)-chan!!" She screaming again and I set her down on the cushion cause I think she will vomit. She look at me, I make a peace sight with my hand and grinning. "Don't do that again!!" She say-yell at me. I smirk evilly and take her right hand, lick it. "I'm sorry, Usagi-chan~ You so cute!! I can't help it!!" She blush but still yelling at me to stop, make me laugh. 

"Oy, Chichinashi, who the hell is that?" Ayato asked and scowled at me but scowled at him back. "E-Eto..." Usagi-chan stuttered, AWW!!! poor Usagi-chan!! "Don't worry Usagi-chan, I'm here. No more harm on my white nunny!!" I assured her and smiled at her to calm down. She sighed the slightly nodded with a blush. I turned to look at the vampire brothers with a bored look but inside me fangirl like a crazy. "The name's (Y/N) (L/N), it's nice to meet you all, vampires. I heard about you alot from someone."

As soon as the others heard me say those words but I think they didn't heard the last part because they widened their eyes but I let it be that way to have a fun. "How did you know, Miss (Y/N)?"  Reiji asked me while I fiddling with my hair. "Mm? You're not idiots, aren't you? It's simple. I saw your fangs when you talk." I lied but simply answered and pointed my finger to their face while laugh in my head. "And he like want to eat me." I point at Ayato and remember something.

"Oh~ I forgot about this things." I take out a letter and give to him, the letter are from Dad and I don't know what he writing in it. He just told me to staying at Sakamaki mansion and I just follow what he told me to without questions. I know I'm an I idiot but I excited what he say I can meet Usagi-chan!! I look at Reiji and seeing his eyes widen. Huh? What wrong? Wait!! Dad didn't tell them I'm not a truly human and his step daughter, did he!!?? I hope not!! I snapped when felt wet on my right cheeks.

"Eeto?" I blink, confused but I saw Usagi-chan worries face. "Wow!! You have a delicious taste!! Give your blood to Ore-sama!!" Ayato orders me. "hu... okay." I take out my hand and , they shocked with my action but Ayato smirk. He grab my wrist and pulled me to him and he stuck his fang into my neck. Hmm.. should I scream or shouldn't? He still sucking my blood and after 5 or 7 minutes, maybe? He let me go and lick his hand then his eyes look at me widen. "Why are you not faithed?"

I shrugging then smirk. "TELL ORE-SAMA!!!" He yell, I chuckle then be interrupted by Reiji coughing. "So, Miss-" "(Y/N).. Just call me (Y/N)." He nod and continue. "From now, (Y/N) will be staying with us." I smile and walk to Usagi-chan. "There the one that sleeping on the cushion is the eldest Shuu." I sweatdrop when see Shuu sleeping calmly on the cushion. "I'm Reiji, the second eldest." I nod and leaning on Usagi-chan shoulder. "The triplets's Ayato-" "Call me Ore-sama!!" I give him 'Whatsoever' look.

"Laito-" I sweatdrop when see Laito look at me with suspicious look on his face. " And Kanato." "Ne, teddy? Didn't she look cute?" I heard he say to his teddy and he look at me, I smile at him. "And the youngest, Subaru." "Tch.. Whatever." Then he leaning his body on the wall. "Ahh~ Now, I remember~" Laito say, I look at him and give Usagi-chan 'What wrong with him?' look but Usagi-chan shrugging 'dunno'. "Nurufufu~ You're that Bitch-chan that bumped into me 3 days ago~"

I tilts my head but try to remember. "Ahh~ You're the Asshole-kun that make me drop my precious sweet~" I say in his tones make Usagi-chan snickering, I stand up and walk near him. "And you make me go buy it twice? You should get punishment ~ Usagi-chan~" I call Usagi-chan and turn my head to her. "Y-yeah? (Y/N)-chan?" She turn pale when see me smirking. "What a great punishment should I give him? hmm.. Usagi-chan?" She turn more pale and didn't barely to answers it, I chuckle.

"I just messing with you, Usagi-chan. Don't take it serious~"  I look at Laito again. "Yet~ because it's not the time~ Asshole-kun~" Saw Reiji adjusted his glasses. "Ne, Reiji-kun? I got my own room or I get to sharing with Usagi-chan?" Please!!! Share with Usagi-chan!!  "I will get your own room." I frowns then pouts. "And it's next to Yui room." My face lit up when heard Usagi-chan name. "Let's go to my room, Usagi-chan!!" Dragging Usagi-chan away to my room.


Reiji- Great... We have another Laito here... but she quietly cute too and she was the second scarified bride... I will make (Y/N) mine.

Kanato- Teddy and I like her.. I will make her to one of my special doll, right Teddy?

Ayato- She ignore her Ore-sama questions!!! I will suck her blood for ignore Ore-sama!!

Laito- Nufufu~ Bitch-chan are so feisty and interesting. Wonder what her blood taste like.

Tsubaru- Tch.. troublesome woman but she's look beautiful... Wait!! What?? What is wrong with me!!?? What did I just call her??

Shuu- She's cute, wonder if she is a good singer. I really want to hear her singing.


I feel interesting things will happens.

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