Chapter 1

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[Metalclaw's POV]

My mate was dead. She was really gone. I pushed my way past the other cats that had gathered. I saw her siblings, our kits, the leader. Everyone loved her. She was the pride of the clan. She kept everyone going and was an excellent fighter. I felt my eyes water and I curled my head up next to her.

"Flamefur..." I whispered and looked at the two other kits. They would need a new mother and two other queens were at least a moon away from giving birth. Creamspots stepped back shaking her head.

"The kits..." she whispered and looked at me blindly. "They can survive. They just need a mother that has already kitted. Swirlpool, you are coming with me and will be my guide. We are going to EverClan now." She said and quickly headed out of the den with the light brown tom with swirls in his fur following after her.

"Name them after the two that looked after me. They will not continue to look after the clan as these kits." Flamefur's last words still rung in my head. I knew who she was talking about. It was evident. There was Nightmoon who found her and treated her like she was her own kit. Then there was Spokenstar who always came to her for help if she had it. I looked at the black kit and touched my nose to her.

"Nightkit. I'm sorry your mother had to die. I will tell you all the stories about her. How she was taken from her birth clan. How she was found by Nightmoon. How she came to these clans and met me in the Dark Forest. How she trained there but was better than anyone there. How she changed my heart to see good. How she worked and fought in the great battle with the Dark Forest so that her clan could be safe. How she had kits and watched them grow up.

"And you, Spokenkit. I will tell you all the stories I know about Spokenstar and Nightmoon. How Spokenstar was the apprentice of the deputy that turned into the leader. How she had a brother that she helped run away. How she fell in love young. How she had her kits and how they grew up. I will tell you how Spokenstar became the leader and how she died alongside her kit in the great battle.

"I will always be here for you. You will have your father and your siblings here. I will make sure you stay on the right track unlike your sister." I purred pulling them both close to me and I licked their heads. They meowed for food and made me chuckle through my tears. I would make sure they knew their mother even if she was dead and I would make sure they knew about the two cats that they were named after and how they saved the clans from certain doom.

"Thank you Flamefur for two more amazing kits." I whispered and let the rest of my tears fall as I felt my other kits come to my side.


Okay, so I might even be about to cry from this chapter. Metalclaw is just an emotional character.

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