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Your car parked infront of the house.

"Idiot!! Why can't you take care of his heart?!....why are you so selfish?!!" you cursed yourself for what you have done. You felt guilty for Chanyeol. He just worried about you but you didn't take it seriously.

Finally, you cried hardly when someone knocked on your car's window.

" Minna are you okay?!" Hani shocked to see you crying. " Hani, am I a bad person? I hurt him." she hugged you

" No you're not dear..." she tried to calm you and bring you inside.

Your eyes sored because of long-lasting crying last night and you're not feeling well.So you decided to stay home.

"Min...are you sure you're okay alone?" Hani felt weight to leave you " or should I..."

" call him?" you continued her sentence. " should I ?" she asked softly. "I'm not feeling well to meet him.I like to be alone for awhile" you said clearly. She nodded and left to college. You tried to find something interesting to keep your mind distracted from what happened yesterday until you landed your eyes on two wheeled bicycle.

"Cycling won't hurt right?" you convinced yourself. You cycled the blackpink sport bicycle to the park. Even your sore eyes won't stop you. It's been a long time you dream for a fresh air other than the lavender scent's air freshener in your car.

The fog around the park is not that thick. While cycling through the beautiful scenery, you realized that there's no people at the park. " Maybe it is too early for a ride" you thought. You take a break at the seesaw just to spend more time.

" I don't want it to happen again, I can't stand hurting more people,people that I love" you think out loud.

Then the flashback started in your mind when the first time you met him.

It was a peaceful evening when your friends invited you to a nearby cafe. It was your first week since you moved to the new area which is because you're going to a new college.

" Many people said that this cafe is the best,beside the son of the owner is good-looking" Hani said. " Haish..poor Mark...haha" you laughed. They chose a table beside a big window. Hani and Hami sat beside the window while you sat beside Hami.

You can't keep yourself from laughing because those two creatures won't stop pull a joke.

" Minna! you see that guy over there?" Hani pointed at a tall guy who's taking people's orders.

" Yes..why?" " You want to play a game?" this time Hami asked mischievously. You frowned in confussion.

" We dare you to get his number" they smile ear to ear. " What? Hell no!" you won't do it, it will probably humiliating.

" Come on Minna, you love challenge right?"

" What will I get if I got his number?" you asked frantically. " You will get......him" automatically you turned your eyes on him.

He's so tall, handsome as hell (totally heaven),his nice body and the abs appeal is totally devouring and his shining black hair that was comb nicely. You snapped back into reality when his gaze met yours. You averted your gaze, afraid if he know that you actually discovering his features.

" Heart beats fast colours and promises ~~" they sang rythmly, totally explaining your feeling right now.

" Excuse me ladies, I'll try to get that young man's number" You walked confidently towards him, fixing your cloth while you still can and the girls were cheering up secretly for you.

He was busy sending people's order so you decided to walk near him but his sudden action bumped into you. All the drinks that he was carrying spilled out onto your shirt.

" Oh my God, I'm so-so sorry!! Mianhaeyo! Gwenchana??!" he put away the tray and took out a handkerchief from his apron. You hesitant and took the handky.

Right now all eyes are on you. " Oh dear, please forgive us! I promise it will not happen again, we will-" " It's okay was an accident, I'm not dying anything"

A woman approach you and help you with the stain. " Chanyeol please tidy up the mess"

' his name is Chanyeol....'

"Nae omma" he said softly but full with gultiness. Your eyes met him and for your surprise it stand longer.

" Minna are you alright?!" Hami and Hani asked concernly when you walked back to the table. Instead of answering their question you took your handbag and walked out from the cafe.

" I want to go home" you said strictly. As the result you didn't get his number.



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