3: T.S.P

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Riding the elevator down to the lobby still gave me a thrill, it's like i lived in a hotel and I loved it. I smiled at the security which were sat at the desk, both responding with a nod. Taking myself out of the complex i walked down the small incline and got onto the Avenue which is where i turned right and passed some potted plant, as i continued up the sidewalk a couple of steps i came to a totem pole, brightly coloured which i hadn't seen when i first arrived, probably starstruck from the city itself, green benches surrounded it and parents cradled their babies while they tried to calm them down. I smiled at them before carrying on the small walk, to my left was a couple of picnic benches with a couple families enjoying themselves. I carried on foreword, past the big beautiful green tree's, the smaller shrubs and rope fencing to beautiful views of the ocean, just closer to Pacific Coast Highway there were beach houses and parking lots for what looked like tennis courts, i looked across to the side of the apartment complex, i could see the small congregation area's which i had yet to experience myself and a high cliff edge, i backed away slightly as i knocked into someone. "I'm so sorry" i said as i walked into an elderly man who had been admiring the views of the ocean just like i was. "It's alright miss" i smiled before avoiding him to get back towards the road. Heading up to explore i came across many different avenues. Passing many before i came across Wilshire.

Waltzing down, i had now ended up at what was called Third Street Promenade, the overall heat of the sun beaming above me was melting the makeup off my face, I watched as teens, in ripped jeans and cropped tops walked down the sidewalks in their branded trainers, each step they took amazed me with how much confidence that they had in their swagger.

I looked down the pedestrianised avenue; Barnes and Noble and Starbucks are what i saw first. Books are my hobby, wether it's an actual paper back, hardback or even online i loved to read. I took my time looking at all the stores down the strip and carried on walking until i had to cross the next avenue, Arizona. Victoria Secret was what i was drawn too, i had only ever been into one before and that was a small store in the U.K so i wanted to see what it was like. I crossed the road and came into the store, practically the same as the U.K store but bigger, much bigger. I came right to the underwear section, matching and lace. I continued through and came to the sleepwear and the perfume. I picked out a few sets of matching underwear, black lace, khaki green which matched my eyes and a red set. I continued to get some perfume, body sprays and some PINK sleepwear. I also brought a Grey sweater with PINK written in black and a pocket with it in white. After paying i grabbed my bags and started to walk out of the store.

"Oops sorry" i said as i accidentally walked into someone whilst i was looking at my receipt. I looked up to the tall figured teenage guy and apologised once again. "Paige?" My mouth opened like a goldfish before closing again. "Bye" was all i could muster up before rushing out the store bumping into nearly three more people before i entered into the next available one that i could find. A couple deep breaths and constant checking behind me, i couldn't see him anymore which was good because today was not the day that i could deal with that. I looked around the store that i had found my way too. Sephora. I checked out the makeup that was on offer, different designers, colours and styles to suit each different person. "Can i help you?" A sales lady asked me as she smiled brightly towards me. Thinking about it for a second i nodded. "i do need help" i smiled to her as she started explaining the products, what they could do and how it would help me. Picking up some of the items that she praised i had to ask her the ultimate question. "What stops this happening?" i asked her as i motioned to my face as half of the makeup had melted off. "I'm from England and my face and makeup isn't used to this heat" i explained. I had a naturally oily face so finding good makeup for me was difficult, especially when it came to it staying on my face. She brought me to a beauty counter and started to wipe off the melted makeup sitting me down on a swivel stool and looking into a brightly lit mirror. Yuck was all i could think when i saw half my face covered in makeup and the other half down my face. Practically lipstick on my chin, mascara on my cheek and my eyebrows as eyeliner. I felt so refreshed once the makeup had been taken off my face and reapplied by an expert.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2017 ⏰

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