Chapter 6: I'm falling for you

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(Ayano's POV)

We have been doing this for like months already, and I just have this strange feeling inside of me, his every touch and gaze at me feels like HEAVEN! This is not right isn't? I can't fall for my friend like that! It's awkward and weird. Eww

You know what, I feel like, I'm not attracted to Taro anymore but----- gah! I can't explain this feeling like whenever I see taro, I think of Budo. Eek!!! I can't stop thinking about----Aaaaccckkk!!!! Oh, Budo is calling. Hehe hehe " Hello, Budo." "Ayano, hi. I just missed--- sorry about that but can you come over for dinner today?"

"Um.. hehe. Well, I just have to say ummm.. hehe.. yes I will!! Yes I will!!" "Why you feel so giddy today? Something happened with your senpai?"

"N-N-No, it's not like that,
Y-you know, I will cool down a bit, and I will go to your place, ok?" "Ok, fine. Meet ya later." I prepared a letter for him to thank him for everything he has done. Then I made a black bead bracelet to add up the gift.

(Budo's POV)

Before Ayano comes, I get ready. I prepared foods for her. I cleaned the house. Why do I even care? I can't--- ugh!!!!
My head hurts from thinking. I just remember all of these things she did for me, she even cared for me. But seeing Osoro crying kills me. Who am I kidding? I'm thinking about two girls, isn't that a bad thing? Whatever, I guess I'm just being paranoid, this is so not me but all I know is that, Ayano really is a nice person.

I guess the people always judges her. Always seeing her as a weirdo or something. For that, I bought her a necklace with a pendant of a silver heart.

*Ding dong*
Oh god! Ayano is here! As I opened the door, I saw Ayano holding a red envelope, blushing. She really looks cute when she blushes 😍😍.I stare at her face with a sheepish smile. "So."

I put an elbow on the side of the door. "I-I came here to give you something. And I did this with all my heart." "Thank you, *takes the gifts *,sounds so deep. Come in, I made you food."

(Ayano's short POV)
Eek! He made me food! I bet it's delicious. From him staring at me to cooking for me, I blush lightly. "Shall we?" He puts a hand on the back of my palm like I'm a princess. Eek. Why am I blushing? Do I like him? Hmm.. I think so.

(Budo's POV)
Touching her hand, feels so soft and so..... Nice. I don't know why I feel this way for her? But for all I know, I feel something for her. Something not about friendship but it feels like... L❤️VE.

Something stronger than what I felt for Osoro. Every time I see Ayano, I feel so happy, I feel the urge to hug her always. I feel the urge to.... Kiss.. Argh!! It's enough. "So, can I open----" "N-No! You might not like it."

"I will like it, as long as it's from you. I love every single thi--" I cut myself in the sentence. Woah wait a minute, did I just say things without thinking? "What?" "Nothing!" Is it really my turn to blush around here? I can't show her I'm blushing. It's dorky and weird. "So, something good happened to you?"

"Well, I can just say... Not much. Hehe." I run a hand through my hair. Oh! The food will get cold. "Let's eat!" "Sure, Budo."

While eating, I notice a smear on her face, I wiped it off of her face. "!" "Sorry Ayano, I just saw something on your face." She winked at me. Awwww. No one ever winked
at me before. She's just so cute and irresistible.

After eating, Ayano washes the dishes this time. How nice of her to wash it.

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