Once in the wonderful school of Akademi high, a girl name Ayano Aishi, who is emotionless, an introvert, and lastly quiet. She never dreams of having many friends, or maybe being the most popular girl in the school. Even her parents she didn't talk...
The very next day after last night, I am with her again, seeing her again, touching her again and mostly, kissing her again. "Hey honey boo!" Ayano hugs me from behind while I was preparing stuff for breakfast. "What?" "Let me heal your wounds later." She brushes her head on my shoulders, I miss that feeling, a day with her is like a thousand days in paradise. "Budo." "Yes?" I face her and...
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Her fingers entwined mine, with a cute grin plastered around her face. "You are only mine, Budo! Let's just stay together from now on. You know, for safety." "I'm willing to stay with you for a lifetime." "Are you sure?" She pouts, a www. How cute!!!! "Ofc. But after we graduate college, I will give you the best gift ever." "But I already have you, which is kinda the same thing." "You know, let's eat, the food is ready." "Wait let me have dessert first!" She kisses me sweetly, so sweet, sweeter than sugar, sweeter than any sweets.
"Mmmmh, that feels good." "Want another one?" "After we eat." "Fine." "Say ahh" "aaaah!"
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"It's good right?" "Very good, especially when it comes from you." "Wait, you have some cookie crumbs here." She leans over and she licks the side of my lips and kisses me. "How sudden, Ayano!" "Because I love you so much." (After Eating)
"Let's cure your wounds. I'm almost done washing them." "You too, Budo. I will heal them with all my love." "Thank you very much."
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(Ayano's POV)
"Where are your wounds?" "Right here, at my back." I show him my bruises and stab wounds. "Oh man, that's a lot of wounds. Take off your shirt so that I can heal it. And I know that it's all over the body."
I did what he told me to do, I took off my shirt. "Hmm. This wound looks really big. It has a letter T in it." "That stupid Taro!!!! I know he put that!!!! He marked it on my back showing that I'm his!!! This is ridiculous."
"Taro!! I will fight him when I see him. He must not get near me." "And you know Budo, he killed Osana." "What?! Srsly?!?!?!?" "IKR. He said that he taught her a tough lesson. A lesson that will keep her away from him." "It's death." "I didn't know he was this cruel!!!" I cry, remembering how he harmed and harassed me.
"Why are you crying?" "I just remembered all the things he did to me. He harassed me not only that but he made several bruises. Saying that you are just using me." "That's not true!!!! I love you!!! I don't use you." I cry hysterically. "Come here, Ayano." He hugs me from behind, reassuring me, "It's ok Ayano." "Please don't leave me. I need and love you." Still crying, he gets back on healing my wounds.
(After healing)
"It's my turn to heal you now." I took off his shirt. "Here, it hurts." "Ok. I'm going easy on you." I clean his wounds, "You know, your hands are like magic, my back doesn't hurt anymore. Except to finalize that, I need a kiss." I kiss his temple.
(After healing)
"Tomorrow, we will come back for revenge!!!!!!!!!!" "Yeah. They will be sorry for what they did!!!!"