Prom dates and dances

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(Ayano's POV)
Several weeks passed by and I can't wait to be with Budo this prom night!!!Getting my make up on 'twas quite a hassle because I'm so not used to applying makeup but it's a way to attract him more. My thoughts is that, he loved me without makeup, but he'd be dying of jaw dropping if he sees my new look tonight!!!! Mom, dad, I hope you were here with me.

Idk when they will come back but you know, I write letters to them too. Sometimes, I think that they may come back someday.

Eh, nvm, I better get back on my makeup.

(After finishing the makeup)

I go to my closet, finding the dress that I bought at that expensive boutique, feeling excited. Actually my dress is like a ball gown since the theme is like we're in a ball (Royal). The others are way too expensive so I bought the cheapest, which the black dress.

(Hey guys, this is the author, sorry to interrupt but this is the dress of Ayano. Just imagine her wearing this. Back on the story...)

Looking back at my reflection, i stare at my beautiful smokey eyes and light pink makeup

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Looking back at my reflection, i stare at my beautiful smokey eyes and light pink makeup. It's perfect!!! And just with a messy bun and accessories to go with I'm all set.

( Ayano's eye makeup and lipstick color)

                                                                     ( Ayano's eye makeup and lipstick color)

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(After doing the messy bun)

(Ayano's Hairstyle)

                                                                                       (Ayano's shoes)

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(Ayano's shoes)

                                                                                       (Ayano's shoes)

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Ok, I'm all set now!!!! Time to go to prom!!! Budo is surely waiting for me. When the limousine arrived, the driver stepped out and he looks at me from head to toe, "Hello Miss Ayano. Looking beautiful tonight." "Oh thank you sir." It's sure kinda hard to walk in heels. I better get used to it.

While staring the sky beyond my window, well its kinda my hobby, I daydream on how Budo might look at me or everyone else. I'm sure he's gonna look so handsome tonight.

(Arrived at the hotel)

Now, to find the ballroom, oh, it's here. Hehe.

As I enter the room, the mc was talking but when she looks at me, she stopped speaking and placed the spotlight on me, everyone faced my direction, jaw dropping.

Oh there's Budo! He smiled at me. I walk down the stairs while the trails of my dresses go along. Smiling to everyone, they smiled at me and even bowed!!!! Wow. I would never expect this but I guess it's my chance on becoming prom queen. He looks so handsome !!!

When almost going down, Budo holds my hand "May I?" "Of course, dear." He accompanies me down the stairs and everyone is going near us, "I love your dress!!!!" "Thanks, Ronshaku!!!" "Where did you buy that?" "I bought this at the designer boutique." "You look so pretty!!!!"

Thousands of complements showers on me. People never spoke to me this way before. I really gained like a lot of popularity in one night!!! But only Budo I can be his. Many guys were like 'Marry me', only Budo can be my future husband.

(After an hour)

It's a slow dance moment!!! Budo lends out a hand "Shall we?" "I would like to dance with you." In the dance floor we step in. *Sighs*, our first dance together. Slow music plays around the area, lifting my mood for dancing. I can't look directly at him, I just don't know why? Is it just me or the people watching us?

"Ayano," he lifts my chin, making me face him, "Why can't you look in my eyes?" "People are watching us. I feel intimidated." "Don't worry, just dance with me like it's only us in this ballroom, or like it's only us in this world."

(Budo's POV)

Dancing with Ayano is great, she's a good dancer I admit. I wrap my arms around her waist. She looks so lovely in her gown. She looks like a queen, no! It's better to say that she's my queen.

Her white pearls really match her outfit. "Let's continue this dance under the moonlight." "Ok."

We arrived at the balcony then continued to dance the night away.

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