(Ayano's POV)
Oh man!!! That seriously hurts. Who would stab me anyway? Whoever did that needs to get kicked. As I try to get out, I'm tied to a chair?!??!? Uuuggghhh!!!! Heeellppp! "Oh, you're awake already." "Help me!!! Please!!!!" The person laughs, "Why would I do that? You're nothing." "Watch your words." Another person spoke "Pathetic."
"You know, you think you're tough so if you really are, reveal who you are." The two figures finally stepped in, "Happy now?" "HOW DARE YOU, OSORO!! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?!?!??" "This what happens when you fight with the delinquent, especially the leader. Hmph, I have other reasons why."
She said while sharpening her knives. "TARO?! YOURE INTO THIS?!" "I am, wifey." He touches my chin and I jerk away. "Why did you do this to me? I thought you were a good person. Just like the Taro I bumped into before." He stops for a moment, "Look, wifey----"
"Don't call me wifey, I'm not your future wife. I'm Budo's future wife." "How can you be so sure?" He grabs the knife from Osoro and he puts it near my neck, "Where is Budo??? Tell me now. Ugh!!! BUUUDDDOOO!!! Help me!!!" "He's in a place that's unforgettable. " with an evil laugh he said. He better not!!!! "You cannot lay a finger on him!!!!" "Oh we already did." He stabs my neck.
"W-W-What do y-y-you w-w-w-want? " "I want Budo. I was obsessed to him. Until you came into the picture." "Then why didn't you tell him?! You let him wait all this time!!!!" "Oh shut up. Stop talking." She hit my head with a bat and when she left, Taro puts a handkerchief on my mouth to shut up. "So, wifey, Budo doesn't even love you. He just used you to make Osoro jealous. You know, only I can give you pure love."
I spit out the handkerchief "Even though we did have a deal, he admitted that he loves me! He told me that he doesn't like her anymore." He punched me in the face! Ouch!!!! "Why can't you listen? You hardheaded woman!!" He makes a big slit on my arm and he punched me once again. "That's my trade mark of my love for you." "Hmph! You wish!!" I was about to speak but he kisses me instead, yuck!!!
I cry loud, so loud that I scream. "WHY?!????!!!? *sniffs*, YOU WILL BOTH PAY FOR WHAT YOU'VE DONE!!!!!!" "Shut up!" A delinquent came in. "What do you want? Let me outta here!!!" "Feeding you." Chilies?!?!? Spicy?!?! "No. I don't eat chilies." Angrily, she shoves chilies in my mouth, "Just shut up, big mouth!!! Now, chew!!" I shake my head, "No?!?!? Come here!" She comes nearer and she puts a gun on my head, "Eat or else I will make your head explode." I eat it with tears rolling down my cheeks. Budo? Were you captured too? Please make a way to escape. Help me.
She breaks a glass into a million shards on my head and she make slits on my legs🗡🗡. So the shards pierced through me. "Hurry up will you?!?!?" Still the tears rolling down my cheeks as I chew painfully.
(Budo's POV)
"You c-c-can't do this to me!!! Bring me Ayano!!!" "Oh why would I do that? My love, can't you see? Obsession." "Obsession?" "Yup, you're right baby!" How dare she!!!! She must give Ayano back!!!!! "Give me back Ayano this instant!!!!!" "Hahaha. No way. Baby, I want you. You deserve someone like me." "You don't deserve anyone , Osoro!!!! The only thing you deserve is death!!!!" She comes closer to me,
"Look, those bruises on your face means my obsession of you." She kisses me but I bit her lips hard that it bleed. "Ouch!!!!" She hits me in the head with a bat. HARD!! "Hit me if you want but you will never get my love!!!"
She stops for awhile. "You really are trying my patience boy." She daggers an evil look. "Don't you dare!!!" She stabs my waist once again. I scream in pain. "You will never have Ayano."

You are mine (Ayano x Budo fanfic)
FanfictionOnce in the wonderful school of Akademi high, a girl name Ayano Aishi, who is emotionless, an introvert, and lastly quiet. She never dreams of having many friends, or maybe being the most popular girl in the school. Even her parents she didn't talk...