Music #2

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"Right class, today we are performing out pieces for each other." The teacher said. I looked around to see Yoongi, Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung all starring at me. The class began to get ready and I just stayed still.
"Aw, has Kayla not done any work?" Jungkook asked, laughing.
"Maybe she's mad she didn't get a ticket to watch the dance competition!" Jimin added, the four of them laughed.
"Oh, I'm going. You just have fun while you still can." I said and smirked.

"What did you say?" Yoongi asked me.
"You heard me! If you don't like what I'm saying then leave me alone." I replied back to him.
"Aw, she must be on her period." Jungkook said and giggled to himself. I stood up, turned to him and gave him the biggest slap imaginable.
"Leave me alone, before you regret it." I said through my teeth. Shocked, Jungkook sat back down in his chair and so did I. (JUNGSHOOKED!)

Loads of people sang and played instruments. Yoongi had played the piano, Jungkook had sung, so had Jimin and Taehyung had played the Saxophone. He was actually really good at it. The time had gone by and it was now time for me to do mine. I stood up at the front of the class and looked out over the unamused faces. I looked at my feet and pressed play on the backing track. I began to sing.

I looked back out over the people to see their jaws dropped and their eyes widened. People started to clap their hands and for once at that school, I felt accepted. As I looked around, I spotted Yoongi, Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung, all looking at me. Taehyung looked impressed whereas the others did not.

I quickly sat back down and the teacher continued the lesson. The lesson went by quickly and the next lesson began. The next lesson was PE.

I changed into my PE kit and tied my hair up.

I walked into the sports hall and started to warm up by jogging around the sports hall

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I walked into the sports hall and started to warm up by jogging around the sports hall. In our class, we have girls and boys. I have Jungkook, Jin and Namjoon . The teacher came into class and began to round us up.
"Ok class, today we are going to be testing your speed. We are going to run against each other and I will time it. You will have to run a lap." The teacher told us. We all started to line up.

"Ok, we are going to do one as a class first." The teacher said. "Ready! Set! GO!" The teacher said. I ran like I normally would. It was odd as the teacher had never asked us to run before, it must be a new part of the course. I was running and I soon crossed the line. I looked around and realised I had come first, out of everyone!
"How the hell did you do that?" Jungkook asked as he arrived, panting.
"I- I don't know..." I said.
"I don't know isn't good enough!" Jin yelled, causing me to jump and everyone to look at us.

"I-" I was cut off by Jungkook slapping me round the face.
"NO ONE BEATS ME IN RUNNING!" He yelled in my face.
"Leave me alone!" I yelled back, causing many people to gasp.
"What?" Jin said. I looked at both of them, then quickly tried to run away.
"Not so fast Kayla." Namjoon said as he grabbed me by my arms.
"Please Namjoon, they won't stop." I whispered, scared for my life.
"Sorry Kayla." Namjoon said as he pushed me towards Jin. Jin grabbed me and made me face Jungkook.
"I'll call the others." Namjoon told us as he left.
"Come on! Leave!" The teacher said and all the other students and himself left, leaving Jungkook, Jin and I.

Two minutes later, in came Namjoon, followed by Yoongi, Jimin, Taehyung and Hoseok.

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