The... Truth?

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Class ended and I quickly packed my things away.
"Y/n, come with me." Jungkook said.
"Oh, ok!" I said. I grabbed my bag and we walked out together. We arrived at the rooftop where I saw Jennie and the boys.
"Y/n, please listen to us." Jennie said, I could feel anger surge through my body.
"Alright! I'm listening, what do you all want to say?" I asked, I crossed my arms.

"Do you know who Mark is? Like REALLY?" Namjoon asked.
"That he's my Boyfriend, that he's a member of Dancelet." I told them.
"Do you know he has a brother?" Jungkook asked.
"Wait what?" I asked, he has a what?
"Great way to ease her in gently Jungkook!" Jimin said while rolling his eyes.
"Yep! He has a brother... wanna know who he is?" Jungkook asked.
"W...who?" I asked.
"None other than BamBam." Jungkook said.
"Your lying aren't you. You know this ain't funny." I said coldly, not believing what I was hearing.
"Nope, and did you ask him who his ex girlfriend is?" Jungkook said, smirking.
"JUNGKOOK STOP!" Jimin yelled.
"Sana." Jungkook said.

My heart stopped. I felt weak, I felt my knees began to shake and I felt like I couldn't stand.
"Y/n?" Jimin said, the others stared.
"Jimin, hold her up." Yoongi said. As Jimin's hands held my hand, everything went black.

Jungkook's Pov

She fell down and Jimin catches her just before she touches the floor.
"See what you did Jungkook?" Jin yelled.
"Ugh! You know what, I give up!" I yelled, I walked down the stairs and heard someone yell
"Jungkookie!" I didn't even turn round, I rounded the corner and stormed off to the canteen.
"JUNGKOOK OPPA!" I heard a girl scream. God sake! Why can't I do something in peace!?
"What's up?" I asked, as the girl ran up to me.
"I-its Y/n...." she said as she panted.
"What about her?" I asked irritated.
"S...she... they... took her to... hospital..." the girl said to me. My eyes widened.
"Oh thanks for letting me know!"  I said and I ran out to the gates. There, I saw an Ambulance pull away from the building. I pulled my phone out and rang Jin.
"Where are you? What happened to Y/n? Omg it's all my fault! If I didn't tell her than she'd be fine!" I rambled on, I felt so guilty. What if she dies!? Wait, seriously? I shouldn't think that... wait, am I talking to myself? Yes, yes I am. Let's stop now...
"Jungkook, it's ok, come to the hospital and we will tell you there." Jin told me.
"Ok." I said and I ended the call. Please... please be ok. AND I'm doing it again, Jesus what is wrong with me!

I ran into the hospital, searching for Y/n's room.
"Jungkook?" I looked to see all the boys there.
"Omg where is she? What happened!?" I asked.
"She didn't black out when Jimin catches her, when you walked away, she tried to follow you, like she had something to say. She yelled 'Jungkookie' and then fainted. Taehyung caught her but she hit her head really badly. The doctors are just doing some tests." Yoongi told be, so it walk all my fault.

As I turned round I saw what I had done. Y/n was there, her hair covered in blood and a tube from her mouth. It was like something out of a movie. I looked at her face, she still looked happy when she was clearly in pain. I regret everything. I regret dating Sana, I regret bullying you, but most of all... I regret not telling you the truth about how I feel to you. I knew you would be there in the cinema with BamBam, so I got Sana to go with me there. I wanted to see your reaction... it was cruel of me I know, but I wanted you to be jealous of me like how I was jealous of you.

The door opened and out came the doctor.
"I'm afraid I have some bad news." He said, my hope fell, "Y/n has a large amount of Ketamine in her system, it is suggested that it was consumed earlier that day. While she has this high dosage in her body, we have to put her in a coma, so her body can fight it off. There, however, are high chances of her developing Amnesia. We have contacted her parents and they are going to be in touch with you boys." He said.

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