Must kill....Sebastian?

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Okay I've got to deal with this, Claude said he wouldn't let Sebastian do anything to me so I've just gotta get this over and done with. Claude explained everything to me...this Sebastian killed my parents and made me marry him and apparently according to Claude he rapes me and Claude has tried several times to save me but Sebastian steals me back each time. But now I've got my chance I've just gotta stab him with this blade Claude gave me that's all then i can go.

As I approached the kitchen where he was my head started to really hurt it was all of a sudden. I had this weird image in my head of me and someone dancing....and laughing..he was tall and had black hair.. and an English accent....he looked like Sebas....the image was gone, he looked like who? Who was i.going to say? Oh never mind, I kept trying to approach him but my head was pounding and something was telling me I couldn't something didn't feel right..
I love you (Y/N)
I love you too
That sounds so can't do this just yet I...I need a lie down, yeah a lie down...

*nervous laughter* hey lads how's it going hahaha....I'M SORRY IT'S BEEN LIKE A YEAR I'M SO SORRY I SAID 3 WEEKS! I'M SO SORRY! love u xD but guys I've left school and I don't start college until August so this will be up and running again! My first one has grown so popular so thank you my little darlings!!!
BTW please note that whenever I put  italics it means you're having a flashback :) x

Me Him and His sexy Butler IIWhere stories live. Discover now