six // skin care

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When Taehyung woke up again, his whole body screamed. He felt as if he'd been dragged through hell and left there to rot. Yet again, Jimin wasn't in bed. Taehyung rolled his eyes and tossed the blanket aside to let his body breathe again. He reached for his phone, easily forgetting he had no power. He huffed in annoyance as he remembered and began reaching for his portable charger, stopping just short of the floor when he remembered his mom had it. Great.

He lugged himself out of bed and trudged to the living room to find Jimin sprawled practically dead on the couch, his leg hanging over the back and his head falling off of the cushion. He had a battery operated fan tucked under his shirt that made his bangs flop about. Not that he noticed, too busy trying to keep himself awake (and failing miserably). Taehyung just laughed and went to the kitchen. He opened the fridge to grab his juice, but he ended up just standing in the doorway as the cool air trapped his body.

"What are you doing, creep?" The sudden speech nearly made Taehyung slam his fingers in the door. "Didn't your mother ever tell you to, one, put clothes on, and, two, don't leave the fridge open when you don't have power?"

Taehyung laughed and pulled his fruit juice from the shelf. "She did always say that I never liked wearing clothes as a kid. I guess people don't change."

Jimin giggled and stretched his limbs before he walked over to Taehyung, eyes accusing. "Pervert," was all he said before he pulled himself on top of counter. Taehyung shrugged and turned around to grab a glass from the cabinet. All of the big glasses were on the top shelf, so Taehyung had to stretch to reach one. When he turned around, he found that Jimin was watching him, and he averted his eyes just as quickly as Taehyung turned around.

"Pervert," Taehyung giggled, making Jimin laugh a bit.

"Whatever," Jimin waved his hand. Taehyung thought back on what he had said to Jimin before he had fallen asleep. It really wasn't a big deal to tell Jimin, but there was still a sliver of anxiety. He decided to tell him.

"Hey, Jimin," Taehyung started as he placed his glass on the counter with a soft clack. He got a hum in response.

Don't back out. Don't back out. Don't back out. Don't ba-

"Let's do facemasks," Taehyung offered instead. Jimin lifted his head from it's position against the counter and smiled. "Let's do it."


They were sitting on the sofa some ten minutes later, feet propped up against the table, eyes closed and sheet masks on when Taehyung thought about it again. At this point, he was really being childish. There was absolutely no harm in telling Jimin how he felt so long as Taehyung never told him that his feelings were directed towards him. The more he thought about it, the more Taehyung thinks that maybe Jimin already knew and was just waiting on Taehyung to confirm. That seemed likely. He opened his eyes and peeked at Jimin before he closed his eyes again and drew in a long, quiet breath.

"Jimin, do you remember our conversation from this morning?"

"Mmhm," Jimin mumbled, eyes still closed and body seemingly relaxed.

"Do you remember what I said after you finished talking?"

"No. Did you say something? I'm sorry, I must have fallen asleep."

"It's okay," Taehyung starts. "I just happened to tell you that I really enjoy my Instagram closet and I'm glad you like it too. But, in addition to loving that style, I may have mentioned that I like boys, too. I was just nervous to tell you beforehand because I didn't want you to think I'm gross and stop being my friend. I guess I could have told you a few days ago, but I was still anxious."

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