chapter 9

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Ava's pov 
I woke up to someone jumping on me,which hurts. I opened my eyes to see Asuka sitting on my stomach smiling,like nothing happened.

"Good morning mama" she says in her adorable little voice.

"Morning my little angel" I said getting up. I went to the closet and picked out a outfit. *the same clothes lucy wore in the gmg,against flare,but blue and gold without the fairy tail emblem*

I got dressed and picked her up,then headed to the town. We went in stores,restaurants,and then she saw something she likes. A necklace and bracelet,they were matching.

"Mama I want that please" she asks excitedly eyes glowing,I looked at the price, 30,000 yen. I looked if I had enough,which I did. So I got that for her.

"Yes now you can have the bracelet" she added I smiled.

"Why,don't you want both" I ask wondering why she would give it to me.

"Because,it's a promise charm" she answered I widened my eyes.

"I don't understand"-

"It's where no matter what we will always stay by each others side,that we won't give no matter how weak we are,that we will be family and love each other forever" she spoke,my eyes watered.

I gave her a big hug,"thank you my little angel" I said I put on the bracelet and put on the necklace around her neck. We headed back to the castle.

Once we got inside,eek were bombarded with questions coming lucy and hisui,I settled it. I walked around and saw solomon and ithnan looking at pictures.

"Ava wait up" i heard someone call behind me,and saw lucy running.

"Hi luce what's wrong" I asked standing next to her,she pants.

"I was wondering if you know anything about the dark war" she asks looking at me,I nodded.

"The war was between the light and the dark,the light wanted peace and love,with a righteous king that will protect and honor his kingdom,while the dark wanted nothing to destroy hope and faith,they wanted chaos and destruction" I answered.

She looks at me with a shocked face,I heard footsteps,I turned to see solomon and ithnan. I smiled and greeted them,which they returned.

"What else happened" lucy asks I think about it,then I told her.

"The dark won and the king was killed by God Ankhersham,with the new king set in place,the light was held captive and turned them as their personal slaves,the men serving the woman of the dark,and the woman of the light serving the men" I spoke.

"God Ankhersham executed the king,but what he didn't know was that the language he said before his last words,years later he found out he was a father to a woman,his lover. Her name was Avaon Argent" I finished.

She blinked "how did you know that,I mean we just found out but it has no words in the book" she says in disbelief.

I shrugged "that is kinda interesting,especially if the woman's name was Avalon" ithnan muttered oh yeah it does.

"I just knew it,well it is only known to people who were from that time" I put then realized what I said.

"Oh my god ava you must be a part of the time before" said the blonde,I thought for a minute,it could be true.

"And from what I know is that the people in that time only knew how to read greek" lucy added, I was shocked.

"That book your reading,that we didn't know the language of,what language is it" ithnan ask me.

"It was greek" I said answering his question,solomon looks shocked,so did lucy and ithnan.

"Ava do you know how many years ago it was written" asked ithnan again.

"400 years ago" I put then I added on "300 years before mavis was born and created the guild"

"Wait mavis who is she" solomon asked confused,I giggled causing him to smile.

"I can't explain" lucy said rubbing the back of her head.

"She's the first master of fairy tail,the guild we stay or take jobs in magnolia,she died though" I answered solomon's question.

"But only members of fairy tail can see her,plus she's smart" lucy said sighing.

"Lucy,Ava we have a council meeting"-

To be continued in chapter 10...

Solomon x Ava(Fairy Tail and magi crossover)Where stories live. Discover now