chapter 3

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Ava's pov
I'm still laying in bed,it's been 15 minutes. Okay I'm getting up to call gramps. I put my hand in the air,and a portal shows up. It's not really a portal,it's just something I can talk to people. I also got telepathy.

"Gramps you there" I ask once I got it working.

"Yes my child how was your mission" he asks I smiled.

"It was hard but we got through,but lucy keeps complaining when she didn't even help"

He sighed "she should've stayed at the guild" shaking his head,I laughed.

"Yep but we are staying here,I don't know how long though" I said in a whisper,but he can still hear me.

"May I ask why"

"Hisui said they are going to have a war soon with someone familiar" I answered he looks down and nodded. I need to tell him about my aunt.

"Gramps mest was here talking to the king before a group of people came"

"Why do you know the problem" he says I nodded and gulped.

"He says that my aunt was spotted near the mountains and was reported alive" I said

His eyes widened at my words "well try to stay away from the mountains because I have a feeling that someone revived her"

I nodded "but what happens if she finds me gramps" I said shaking.

"Then I get gildarts,Mira and laxus to watch you,and have erza to protect you, I will also speak to mavis" he said I smiled and nodded.

"Thanks gramps" he nods

"Now who is this group that was talking to the king" he asks

"Well I only got a few names I heard,it was ithnan,sheba,ugo,and arba I don't know the others" I replied shrugging at the last sentence,gramps nods.

"Do you know where they're from" I nodded.

"They are from Alma Toran as I heard,and I guess their leader is solomon" I saw his eyes widened and I look confused.

"That country is a land that no one can find,solomon you say" I nod wondering why.

"He is king David's son" that is when I almost fainted,king David's son,I read about him in the library back at the guild. And the legends,say that he is 800 years old and he is ruthless.

Solomon doesn't look evil and ruthless,instead he is kind,wise,and handsome...wait no time to think.

"Gramps I read about David and solomon is no where near as him,solomon is kind,sweet and smart,and really wise too" I said looking at him,he smirks.

"Does someone have a crush" he teases and I blushed.

"I can't love someone I just met" I say waving my arms.

"Ever heard about love at first sight,true love or soul mates" he says more like asking,I nodded.

"Well see how it goes and tell me more information later,I half to  go the guild is going crazy again" I laughed and said okay.

We are finished talking and the portal disappeared.  I sighed getting up and combing my hair. I put it in a fish tail braid. My hair is brown with blonde highlights going down to the tips.

I have brown eyes and pink lips. People say I'm the most beautiful girl they have seen,beating the models. I denied the fact,but mavis and gramps say I take after my mother with her beauty and her braver and confidence.

My father with his skills and knowledge,then my sister allison,with her will of living and power. Allison was really strong,but she gave me half of her powers to me,that's why I'm so powerful.

Also they say I was born to be a queen,a goddess. But hey I can't break their hopes down so I let it go.

I finished my braid and washed my face. I put new clothes on which consists of a shirt like sheba's but I have bigger Boobs than her,and pants just like natsu's but with cut open on the sides.

I have belly button piercing that has a golden chain hanging down,I put on my sandels and a blue flower crown on my head and left.

I still got time before dinner so I'm going to walk around a bit. I've been walking around for about 15 minutes when I saw solomon and ugo and arba.

I smiled when I heard my name being called,I turned to see who it was. Natsu.

"Hey Ava-kun you talk to gramps yet" he asks excitedly.

"Yes now what do you need natsu" I ask then he was waving at ugo who waved back. They started heading our way. Great.

"Hi guys" said ugo while solomon and arba said hello. Solomon looks at me and smiles,eyes brightening when he sees me.

"Hi now natsu what is it" I ask natsu again,he scratches his head.

"Oh hisui wanted us to translate a book for her,but lucy can't figure it out and levy is not here" he says smiling.

"Ok what language is it"

"We don't know but can you so it,since your better at translating and reading other languages" he pleaded I sighed but nodded.

"Is it a language we know" asked arba but natsu shook his head.

"Nope but here is the book" natsu hands me a book with a lot of pages. Damn this is going to be work.

I open the book,the language is greek,which no one here knows but me. I read a few lines,my eyes widened at the words. This book is from 400 years ago,it's about demons and gods. Oh my gosh.

"I don't know this language" ugo and solomon muttered.

"Don't worry I will translate it,I will rewrite the words,but this book is not that ordinary since I can't believe what I've read the first few lines" I said closing the book.

"So you know the language and can read it" I nodded.

"Yep I don't know how long it will take me as this book is mysterious and I need to read it for myself" I said.

"Okay thanks ava your really smart,you might surpass the first master" natsu says smiling.

I smiled and laughed "no I won't,I can't do that to her she's to sensitive"

"Just like you" I anime sweat dropped.

"Okay that was mean,but at least I don't get knocked out by one punch by erza" I teased.

"Hey its not my fault she is holding back"

"Nope she is your just really weak" I said crossing my arms.

"Hey I'm strong,I beat sting and rogue when they were really Powerful" he complains.

"That was luck natsu,plus gajeel helped out half of the match" I say smiling when he gets all defensive.

"Awe that's so sweet" arba said laughing along with ugo,but solomon doesn't look happy.

"Huh what you talking about" natsu and I said at the same time.

"You guys are like a couple teasing each other,tell me are you guys dating"

We took a moment and looked at each other. Seriously I would never date him,he is lucy's man plus he is horrible at relationships.

"What ew no way I would never date him,he is like my brother,plus he doesn't even know what love is" I complain.

ME and natsu started arguing about who knows what and what irritated me was that arba and ugo was laughing. Solomon doesn't look at all happy.


Solomon x Ava(Fairy Tail and magi crossover)Where stories live. Discover now