chapter one

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a royal romance
  chapter one
  {samantha lee ashbury}

   "sam! hey! sam! wake up!", i hear my roommate shout in my ear while she continuously shakes me. "god, you sleep like a rock...." i hear her mumble. "sa-", i cut her off. "geez. what is your problem?", i spit, sitting up on my elbows. "you can't let a girl sleep in on a beautiful monday mornin-" i stop a look of terror slowly taking over my face.

"OH MY GOD IT'S MONDAY MORNING!!", i shout. "NOT ONLY A MONDAY MORNING BUT IT'S THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!", i sigh while running frantically about my room while lauren stands there trying not to laugh at me. "seriously, you couldn't have at least told me or something?", i give her an annoyed eye roll while putting on my jeans."well.... i tried", she says laughing. "shut up laur", i say laughing a bit myself too.

   it's my second year in university and i can't say i hate it. the university of texas comes in handy for me. it offers art classes which is what i want to major in because it's what i intend to making a living out of one day. also, i've lived in texas ever since i was born and i couldn't imagine anywhere else in the world i'd rather be. my family doesn't live to far down the road from where i live either, so i get to see them pretty often. it's only about a ten minute drive to my parents house and a five minute drive to UT.

    the only reason i bought a house with my best friend that was close to my family's house was because of my little brother matthew. he's the sweetest little bundle of joy and i treat him as if he were my own child... even though i'm only 20. he'll be five in a couple of months and i can't believe he's growing so fast.god i can't wait to see him again.

     i make my way to the living room and sit on the couch to slip on my boots. "good luck sam", laur says while pulling me into a small hug, "i hear that art teacher is pretty harsh", she says and we both laugh. "alright, goodbye i gotta go now! i have... five minutes and 34 seconds", i say looking down at my watch and chuckling. "no breakfast?", she asks. "sadly, no." i pout. "but you're gonna be hungry during the lesso-", she begins to say but i cut her off. "sorry! bye laur!", i holler back as i shut the door loudly behind me.

   i jump into my truck and turn it on. as i'm driving, i think of lauren and how mother like she is. she's always been like that, ever since i met her. she was a package of a mother, sister & best friend all combined into one.

    i had met laur in my first high school year because she was in my art class. we bonded over criticizing our art teacher because he never knew what he was talking about and he would always spew out random things as me and lauren would correct him. as a bonus, i had every single class with her for the rest of that year and we became best friends.

   looking back at these thoughts make me happy because i spent the absolute best four years of my life there. i let out a small chuckle and old memories keep flooding back. my least favorite is when laur left me in our third year of high school to go do one year of college. of course, i was happy for her because she had graduated early and she deserved it because she was a smart girl, but it was bittersweet because at the same time i was losing my best friend for a year.

i pull over into the parking lot and park my truck. i grab my bag and walk into the school preparing for my first day.

"oh hello samantha!" an old woman who i recognize as the old art teacher greets me at the door. "hello mrs.vandorski! what are you doing here? aren't you supposed to be teaching a class?",i ask. "no, actually i moved down to being the counselor this year. speaking of, i have your schedule.", she says handing me a piece of paper. "looks like you'll have mr.williams for first period...", i give her a look of confusion. "he's the new art teacher. watch out, he's a biter!", she warns and i laugh. "awesome...",i roll my eyes sarcastically,"thank you, mrs.vandorski", i say as i leave for first period.

i gaze down at my schedule and see that they must've changed the art room along with our new professor. great. just what i needed. now, i had to make my way up to the third floor to go to class. as i'm walking towards the elevator i see a small sign plastered across the sliding doors.

"out of order"

oh. my. god. i turn around on my heel and roll my eyes so hard they could get stuck to the back of my head. what are the odds that all of this could happen in one morning?? jesus christ was i annoyed. i'm only left with one option so i race up the stairs and spend an extra two minutes looking for the class. they just had to make it the room isolated far away from all the others.

finally, i arrive to the room and open the large door to see a relatively small class of about fifty all staring back at me. i stand there awkwardly and give them all a weird half smile.

"you're late", i hear a man's voice say from afar.

"ah, you must be mr.williams. sorry, i was held up by a non-working elevator and then i couldn't find-", i stop. "ah ah ah. no time for explanations. i see you are very talkative so i will give you an assignment of a 5,000 word essay to explain why you were late." he states sternly. "but i-", i'm cut off, once again. "sit.", he glares at me. "if you have a problem with that option i can add 2,000 more words." i shake my head looking down embarrassed. "very well then, it's due tomorrow." i gape my mouth open, not a sound coming out.

"that's it! you are no longer in my class!",he shouts. "no!no!-",i yell. "yes! OUT!", he shoos me out.

i walk out the doors and lean against the wall, sliding down it.i drop down my bag and sit. geez,this year is going to be a cruel one. who am i kidding, it was going to be the worst of my life.

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