chapter five

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a royal romance
chapter five
{samantha lee ashbury}

a few seconds later his face suddenly starts to become familiar. i realize that the man standing beside me isn't any ordinary man... it's the prince.


"um, hi i'm stefan." he extends a friendly hand out and swiftly picks me up. i softly thank him and begin to walk out of the bar.

    "are you sure your alright? i could give you a ride back to your house if you'd like." he calls out from behind.

     "actually, i don't live here. i'm from america. i'm actually here on a school trip for my art..." i stop myself from rambling on any further.

   "i'm sorry. i don't know why i'm telling you all of this, i don't even know who you are. and as for the ride back to the hotel i think i'll just catch a cab or walk back. after all, i wouldn't want to be a burden for your royal duties" i mumble

"please, i insist. i just want to make sure you get back safely. it's late and god knows what other kind of thugs could be out on the street at this hour."

"look, your royal highness, steven, stefan. whatever your name is, i'm pretty sure i can take care of myself. you've done enough for me as it is. goodbye." i say walking out through the doors. i look out onto the street and get into the first cab i see and tell the driver the name of the hotel. after riding in the cab for a few minutes, i notice that there's been a black limousine following us.

"excuse me sir, do you think you could pull over here?" i kindly ask the gentleman driving me to the hotel. "of course.", he says as he pulls over to the side of the empty road. i get out of the car and begin walking towards the limousine who's parking behind us. once it has come to a full stop, i see the prince get out from the back. i take a deep sigh and roll my eyes.

"why are you following me? i told you i was perfectly fine to take care of myself." i sassily remark.

"i'm so sorry miss. i just had to make sure you arrive safely. you don't look too well either, you're very pale. are you sure you're alright?" i can hear him talking but my head is throbbing and i feel like his speech is very slurred even though i know it's not. my head begins to spin so i close my eyes and hold on to the side of the car for support.

"woah woah woah, yeah you're not okay. come here." he hooks my arm around his shoulder and walks me to the limousine. i sit down beside him and the last thing i hear him say to driver before i effortlessly fall asleep is "take us to the nearest hospital,please."


"can you tell us what exactly happened? do you know her name or age? anything?" i wake up to bright lights and i realize that i'm on a stretcher. great. the last thing i needed today was to end up in the hospital. why do i have such bad luck? i wince as i slowly start to open my eyes back up.

"there was a brawl at the bar and a glass bottle hit her head. she bled but she didn't want to come here and then she passed out a couple of times." i can hear the prince explaining the situation to what i am assuming is a doctor. "alright thanks, i think we'll just stitch this wound up and run a head CT to make sure she's not severely injured and hopefully you'll be on your way."a woman says.

"hello miss? are you okay to speak? can you remember anything?" someone speaks to me but i still can't see very clearly. "can someone please just hand me an ice pack and some ibuprofen so i can get out of here?" i bark back. it's been the longest night of my life and i just want to get back to the hotel to lauren and grace.

i blank out again but once i wake up again i'm inside of a round machine. a technician sees me awake and approaches me to say they're almost done reviewing the scans and that i should be able to go home with some medication. a few minutes later, they wheel me back out into the waiting are where i see him still waiting on me. my god, why can't he just go home?

"hey, you look a lot better!" he says. "thanks." i groan. one of the nurses hands him the medication and says that i am discharged on the account that i will be supervised by somebody else. he thanks them and pushes my wheelchair until we reach his limousine again.

"look," i say, "you've really been more than helpful tonight and i really appreciate it. i do. but i don't have my purse or my phone with me and my friends are probably extremely worried about me and" he cuts me off.

"it's fine really, you can use my cell and call them to explain everything." he says. he hands me his phone and i dial laur's number. she picks up frantically and shoots me a million questions at once.

"woah laur, i'm gonna need you to slow down a bit. i just got into a little bit of an accident i guess but i'm okay." she begins to ramble off again. "yes an accident. but really i'm okay. someone's been taking good care of me, you have nothing to worry about." i can sense that she is beginning to settle down now.

"where are you now?" she says. i check the time and it's almost four a.m. "i'm at the hospital, they'll be keeping me here overnight to keep an eye on me." i lie. stefan furrows his brows at me. "tell the professor what happened and not to worry. i'll see you guys in the morning okay? bye i love you." i quickly hang up before she can say anything else.

"the hospital? why did you say that? i already told the driver to head back to your hotel." the prince asks me with a puzzled look on his face. "yeah about that... i lied. see, my friends are absolute royal freaks and if they see you and find out you've been the one taking of me like a wounded puppy they'll flip their shit." i explain. "the last thing i need tonight is fangirl screaming or whatever. i'll just get a room at another hotel. do you know any nearby?" i say.

"oh no that's not necessary. you've been through enough tonight. plus, you heard the doctor, you have to be under supervision. we'll go back to the palace and get you a room there. please it's the least i could do." he begs me with worrisome eyes.

i guess at this point there's no reason to even try to go against what he's offered because he's too kind and won't let me go anyways. "okay. sure. but i owe you." he flashes me a small smile to my agreeance.

well, i'll be sleeping in a palace tonight. there's a first time for everything, right?

i've decided to finally dedicate myself back to this book. i fell out of writing for a long time but i remembered how much i love it now. i can't promise there'll be an uploading schedule because i'm so busy. i never expected this book to take off as much as it has, i just started it for me to have a bit of a hobby i guess. thank you for reading these few chapters. hopefully there will be a lot more in the near future. <3 x.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2020 ⏰

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