chapter three

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    a royal romance
    chapter three
   {samantha lee ashbury}

    "andddd.... done!", i say as i add the last few finishing touches.

     lauren and i had stayed up the whole night finishing the art piece that i created for tomorrow morning. well, technically this morning... we stayed up way too late trying to finish this thing to impress my professor,that  before we knew it it had been 2 a.m.

     "finally! ughh that was hard work but a good team effort!",she chuckles as we give each other a high five. "honestly, that dude better love this or i'll go in there myself and–", i cut her off. "shut up!i'm gonna be fine!", i laugh.

     i really wanted and needed this class. i simply just had to be in there. there was no other way around it. i had spent my whole life dedicated to art and i wasn't about to let that go for a little mistake and an idiot professor. lauren and i had put so much work into this art piece tonight that i knew that mr.williams was gonna regret throwing me out.

     "okay,okay.", she throws up her hands in surrender mode. "but! go get some sleep! or else you won't get to class in time....again!" , she points her finger at me and shoos me back upstairs to sleep. "wow, okay mom. geez.", i tease with a smirk.

"hey!," she pouts at me,"but seriously, upstairs. now."

i clumsily walk upstairs and go to my room preparing for the rough day ahead of me.


beep. beep. beep. my alarm clock rings. ugh, i really did not have the guts to face today. all i wanted was to stay in bed all day. i rub my face and groan. i sigh and decide i need to get ready now if i wanted to make it to school early.

i uncover my body from the duvet covers and make my way to the bathroom. i brush my teeth, curl my hair into big & loose waves and then apply some makeup to look "professional". i walk over to my closet and start looking through all of my clothes. finally, i choose to go with a short and simple black dress to with my black nails. i pair my outfit with some black heels and go downstairs for breakfast.

"ooohhh, classy!",lauren says. "haha, yeah, i didn't want to over due it.", i say grabbing an apple. lauren stares at me for a few seconds and it starts to make me feel a bit weird but not to much because she always did things like that.

"what?", i break the silence giggling.

"nothing. just don't get nervous today, i can already see it all over your face."

" nervous? nahhhh.", i say trying to cover my white lie.

"okay, if you say so. you should get going don't wanna be late!", she winks. "yep, byeee!", i grab my purse and my painting and walk out the door.

i arrive to school earlier than anyone else so i decide to go to the art room and talk to mr.williams. nervously standing in front of the class door i decide it's now or never. i burst into the classroom and see mr.williams standing at his desk organizing papers. he immediately stops ruffling through his papers and looks up once he sees me.

"ms.ashbury, i thought we had addressed yesterday that you were not to ever step foot in this class again.", he states.

"samantha, please, call me samantha.", i say but he just stares at me blankly. "um. yes, i know about our discussion yesterday but, i-uh, was wondering if i could have another chance perhaps? i stayed up all last night trying to finish this painting i made. uh, i wanted to present it during class today so i could show you what potential i have and what art makes me feel. this could possibly make up for that essay?please sir.", i say beggingly.

he looks at me for a few moments and then speaks. "very well then, but if i do not like what you've prepared you will not set foot in this room again. one chance. that's all. understood?" i nod. but before we get the chance to talk any longer the bell rings. students start flooding the room and begin taking their seats. i follow everyone and sit in one of my own. everyone begins to settle down and the chatter ends.

"good morning everyone. today, we will start off class with ms.ashbury's presentation.", he says. "uh, samantha.", i say raising my hand but yet again, he just ignores. "huh, okay then. the stage is yours.", mr.williams murmurs. i get up from my seat, grab my painting and make my way down to the front of the room.

      "hello everyone. uhm- my name is samantha.", i propped my painting up unto the easel along with a white sheet to cover it and continued. "i painted this piece to show mr.williams the potential i have and why i deserve to be in this class.", in a swift motion i took off the sheet and everyone in the class gasped while the professor sat with wide eyes.

"look at every single detail...",someone whispered

"so intriguing"

"it's so very well portrayed, doesn't even need an explanation you can see it with a naked eye.",another said

"almost even looks like a photograph..",one spoke.

the painting was simple, not to complex.but surely, it was something that drove everyone crazy. i had drawn many faces that all portrayed different emotions. angry,depressed ,joyful, fear, confusion & much more. each face, however, i had drawn with amazing detail making sure it had every quality that a human face had. from a dimple on cheek to the wrinkles that form in the corner of our eye. behind each face i had used watercolor to represent that specific emotion.

the chattering didn't stop. i had known that this was one of my best works. perhaps because i had been so rushed and motivated, but i did not think it would be a piece that would draw this much attention. i was pulled away from my thoughts when i heard mr.williams speak,"alright,alright. settle down class."

the room suddenly became hushed and all eyes were on me once again. i cleared my throats and proceeded,"anyways, as you can see each face has a different emotion. each one feels something different. they all have their own stories and troubles. this is what art makes me feel everyday. i always feel so differently about art and that's what i love about it the most. it's like you're on a nonstop, thrilling roller coaster. that's why i so deeply need to be in this class. i can't live without art. it's like my oxygen, without it i'm nothing. please, mr.williams—", i was cut off.

"say no more, i have heard enough.", mr.williams said without an expression. i stared at him waiting for more a response, an answer. it seemed like it had been an eternity until he finally spoke again.

"take a seat. welcome to class, samantha.", he said with a grin. i flashed a thankful smile back at him, grabbed my painting and took a seat. everyone cheered and clapped their hands and at that moment, that was all i needed. that last bit of approval. the last piece that made me feel valid.


    we were finally out of class and i had walked out of class with a proud smile plastered on my face. "sam! sam! wait up!", i turn around to see grace calling my name. "that was amazing! i mean, what you did back there.", she says as she engulfs me into a large hug. "thank you, i'm just so happy i'm back in.", i sigh and grace laughs.

     " so are you going to the trip next week?" , she says walking with me.

    "yeah, i am, i think i'm gonna bring my roommate as my plus one though, she's so obsessed with the prince. she wouldn't pass up the opportunity to even at least get a glimpse of him in a million years.", i chuckle.

    "i mean, who would? that guy is seriously hot." , grace says.

     "yeah right.", i tell her. "i will see you next week then!", i say waving to her as i walk off.

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