chapter two

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a royal romance
chapter two
{samantha lee ashbury}

the bell rings and i am still sitting outside of the art room. i've been sitting here for the past hour thinking of how i could possibly get back in that class. that class means everything to me. it's my entire career. i have to be in there. my eyes begin to water and i feel a small tear escape and wet my cheek.

"oh hey, you're the girl who got kicked out, aren't you?", i hear a girl about my age say. "w-what?", i sniffle back. "sorry. that probably isn't the best way to introduce myself.", she chuckles,"i'm ava grace", she says extending a hand out to pull me up,"you can call me grace if you'd like,though"

"hi grace, i'm samantha...", i mumble," but you can call me sam", i say imitating her and we both laugh. "so, are you going on that trip to england?",grace asks. "umm,sorry i didn't know there was one...", i say as we both walk to our next class.

"aggh," grace says giving herself a face palm, " sorry, i'm just really brain dead after the summer, ya know?", she giggles & i smile at her.

"anyways, our art class is visiting england to see a few art museums and blah blah blah.",she rolls her eyes at me jokingly. "yeah, i'd love to go, but there's a problem..... i'm not sure i'm even in that art class anymore." , i sigh.

grace stops walking and stands in front of me. "hey, don't take what mr.williams said seriously. he's very strict and i'm sure he was just annoyed that you interrupted his class. just finish that paper tonight and come into class tomorrow and prove him wrong. if he doesn't accept you back that guy truly is an idiot.", she states and i look down at the ground shamefully. "come on, you got this,sam", she smiles and nudges my shoulder playfully.

"you know what? you're right grace. i'm gonna show that scumbag what he's missing out on.", i say confidently and keep walking to my next class.


i trudged along through the never ending day at school, feeling as if i had spent an eternity in there. by the time i came home, my arms were filled with tons of syllabus', supply list & permission slips for each class. i opened the front door to our loft & i set my papers down on the coffee table and flopped face first into the couch afterwards. "long day at the university, huh?" lauren teased. i grabbed one pillow and threw it at laur to make her shut up and the other i used to muffle my screams of exhaustion. "i'll take that as a yes." ,she laughs as she scrunches up her nose.

lauren walks over to the couch and sits down next to me. "oh.. not a good day. sam,what happened?" ,she asks rubbing my back. "i walked in late to my first period, which was art." , i take a pause. "my professor yelled at me and kinda kicked me out of class.....forever."

"ugh, douchebag..", she mumbles, "look at me sam. if he's willing enough to kick you out of that class he damn well should be able to take you back. you're the best artist i have ever met and you can come up with the best masterpieces anyone has ever seen. why are you letting your self down so much?"

"it's not that i'm letting myself down... well maybe a little. that's not the point. mr.williams wants me to write a 5,000 to 7,000 word essay on why i was late.", i say and lauren raises her eyebrows.

writing the essay wasn't the problem, anyone could write an essay, right? no, not exactly. not me. see, writing wasn't ever my forte. my high school writing teacher never actually taught. all she did was give us a list of her life problems and her troubling thoughts. let's just say she was an emotional wreck. she hated me and i hated her. i spent an hour falling asleep in her class and she spent her time giving me a failing F. the point is, i never learned how to actually write something good.

laur steps in and interrupts my thoughts. "so, then don't write an essay!",she smiles at me. what was she thinking? if i wanted this class i had to write that essay. it was the only way i was ever going to show that idiotic art professor i was worth being in there.

"no, laur. you don't under-", i begin to say. "no, no. don't write the essay, but give him what he wants.", she explains. "lauren, what in the world are you talking about? you're driving me crazy." , i exclaim.

    "do what you love! make an art piece that says everything you want to say in the words you can't express. show him something that will leave him beyond speechless!",she says sitting up on her knees with excitement.

lauren was right i had to do something that was beyond what he expected. it was a great idea but, i was fearful that mr.williams wouldn't accept it. it didn't matter, i at least had to try. i mean, if i wanted to go to that trip i at least had to attempt it.

     "you're right," i say, "at least if i want to go to england....", i finish. i sigh and then stand up to begin painting but laur stops me.

    "england!?! you didn't say anything about england! oh, sam! you're so lucky! you might even get to meet the prince! why didn't you say anything?!?", she says dreamily.

   laur had always been obsessed with the prince. practically ever since she came out of the womb. no one has any idea why, but everyone sure is full of it. she never shuts up about him. she's always saying he's so "hot" and "kind", but honestly, to me i think he's just one big fake public stunt. i think he just does everything for the money. i don't hate him, but i really, really, really highly dislike him..... okay, maybe i do hate him. oops.

   "oh seriously, shut up lauren.that's ridiculous. first of all, both you and i know very well that is quite impossible. second of all, we both know that i don't like him. so, with that said, even if i did have a chance at meeting him, i wouldn't give it much attention." , i firmly state.

   "ok, ok, ok. but if you don't meet him, i will.", she says overemphasizing the last part. ugh she was such a fangirl and it was too much to handle. "sam, you haveeee to let me come with you.pleaaaaassseeeeeee.",she begs putting her hands together and pouting at me with puppy dog eyes. i raise my eyebrows and she sticks out her bottom lip, pleading even more. i love lauren and seeing her like this made me want to burst out laughing.

    "ok, okay. you can come with. if i get my spot back in that class and you have to help me with this project." , i say emphasizing the if and giggling at the same time.

   "yes! yes!" ,she celebrates & jumps around happily. i laugh at her little happy dance and she runs up to me and gives me a huge hug. "thank you, thank you, thank you!", she screams. "now, let's get started on that art project of yours!" , she says grabbing my paintbrushes from the table.

  tonight would be a long night.

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