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I'm right by the entrance Bell. meet me there can't wait to see you sis! -J

I check my phone after getting my luggage and go in search of my brother Joesph. Joe is the best big brother that any girl could ask for. Yeah, he might be over protective at times and say some slightly perverted stuff but I love him more than life itself. 

As I approach the entrance I see the back of my brother dressed clad in a band tee, jeans, and his unruly curly mop top of brown hair. The sight of him just makes me smile because I haven't seen him in a whole year except for the occasional Skype calls that I was allowed. 

I dropped my luggage in the middle of the floor and run full speed to him.

"JOEY!" I scream as I launch myself on top of him. Being a former football player he catches me with ease not even stumbling and laughs. 

"Whoa Bell! I don't think I've ever seen you so excited to see me before. I have to document this day down in my diary!" He smirks and sets me back down on the ground.

"Shut up. You're as childish as you were when I left Joe! You're 19 now and you act like you're 5." 

"Yeah, well you couldn't have asked for a better big brother baby sis. Now give me a regular hug." He holds his arms out gesturing for me to walk into them and I easily comply. Joe's hugs are the best because he's such a big bear. A big cuddly bear.

"But seriously Bell, you look better. You've gained weight and you don't have that dead look in your eyes anymore. You don't know how worried I was."

"I feel better. I still have my days but it's much better than before." I tell him truthfully. 

This seems to satisfy him because he claps his hands together and gives me a big smile. "Well I know somewhere that you haven't eaten at in a whillleeeee." He says in a sing songy voice and takes my hand, my suitcase and drags me to my car in the parking lot. I laugh the whole way there at his childish antics. Maybe coming back wasn't such a bad thing. I've smiled more in a span of 5 minutes than I ever had in Florida. 

He puts my suitcase in the back of his red Ford Truck, his most prized possession, besides me of course, and walks around to the front. I remember when he first brought the truck my freshman year and named it Cherry because of its color and claimed that she was his wife. All his football friends laughed at him but of course my brother didn't care because that was his personality, the class clown.

I jump into the passenger seat having a hard time because of my 5'2 frame but nonetheless I still get in and he jumps into the driver seat and cranks the car.

The Fray's- "Love Don't Die" blares out of the speakers and my brother doesn't even bother to turn it down. He starts singing and pulls out of the airport parking lot heading for our destination. I glance over at him laughing as he belts out the lyrics sounding like a dying whale.

"NO MATTER WHERE WE GO OOOHHHHHHHH! Come on Bell take over!" He hands me a bottle which he had been using as a pretend microphone.

I laugh and give in to his pleads and start to sing with him.


By the time we park we both have tears in our eyes from laughing at our horrible singing voice. Our mini concert comes to an end as Joe turns of the cars ignition.

"Now tell me how much you've missed this place Bell." Joe gestures to the familiar building in front of us that I had been to distracted to notice before.

It's Gilmore's, the place where basically spent my whole life when I wasn't at school or at dance. Gilmore's is like a little coffee shop that sells everything that's utterly delicious. If you hate coffee there always something else there that will satisfy your thirst.

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