June 3

727 14 10

Sigh, after class I went to the library to try to SQUEEZE all the lines for the play in my head like I'm a sponge or something! I have to work on my memorisation and acting skills. To add things worse, next few days have to add in dance lessons yeah, partner dancing with Brandon!♡ :) As well as Patrick :(
I'm not sure if I can handle this.

Anyway, I reread the lines over then I repeat and even try to form a song and started singing to it unconsciously. It worked somehow! Singing the lines out. So I continue singing and try to work on my expression in front of my mirror. At first i feel really weird you know, when I try to articulate widely the words widely with my lips and jaw up and down. Some students in the library look at me oddly. This is so EMBARRASSING! They must be thinking I'm CRAZY or something talking to the mirror! Who'll do that anyway? Except you know in snowhite story the witch. Mirror Mirror on the wall. At least the mirror still replied. Ahhh! Me screaming. But after that I'm more used to it naturally.

"Hi Nikki." Someone tapped on my shoulder. I turn up, it's Chloe, Zoey and Brandon! Oops I hope they didn't saw my earlier foolishness : "Are you alright?" Chloe and Zoey asked concerned. "Don't worry girlfriends I'm fine." I assured them. "Just now we heard you.. you're so engrossed in your practice. By the way, beautiful singing." Brandon said blushing as he lower his head and his hand scratching the back of his head. "Oh, Brandon." I smile shyly. "That's true." Chloe and Zoey grin while they watch me and Brandon back and forth as if it's a tennis match or something in anticipation. Anyway seems like they didn't caught my acting practice :)

Few days later. "Ok class, I hope you already start practicing your lines in next week. This week we'll focus on dance steps then the acting. So, everyone in position!" The teacher said. We enter a unique dance room where the dance floor is all sparkly cool colours and there's huge mirrors for one to watch their movements. The most amazing thing is, you can switch to different lights and the whole environment changes. You know, the ceiling is filled with cosmic of stars which can change colour. Sometimes, countless of small silvery stars and falling stars on the night blue sky. Then the star sparks changes to orange lit up the black night sky. Plus the reflection of mirror surrounding makes the starlight reflect like an enchanting dimension.

"First, we'll start with slow dancing. Guys shall kiss the top of the girls hand. Girls shall place her hand on the guy's shoulder or back. If you are bold enough around the neck. The guys shall place his hand around the girl's waist or shoulder." The teacher instructs. Everyone else found their own partner and the girls nervously giggle or blush with their partnered guy. The guys smiling awkwardly to the girls. As they happily face each other. 

"May I have the honour Miss Nikki." Brandon bows and lift out his hands towards me while he slightly look up at me with intense sincere gaze waiting for my reply. Am I dreaming? If so, don't wake me up. "I do." I smile and reach out my hand. Just then, before I could reach to Brandon hand someone grab my hand and hold my shoulder then pull me towards him which make me slide dance with him as we turn our hands stretch fingers intertwined as the music starts. Leaving Brandon and me astonished before I could react.
It's Patrick again! He just flash the triumph devilish smirk...

Dork Diaries : Ballroom Tango Dork (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now