June 5

619 17 3

Today is the rehearsal of the play before a few more final rehearsal and the actual.

"Pair up, let's start!" Teacher said. This time I have to pair up with Patrick. "So, this time are you gonna step me again? Sweet Nikki." Patrick teased devilishly. "Don't make throw up! Nope, I'll smack you instead." I glared. "Woah, cool down it's just a joke." Patrick replied.

"Nikki, you're the main girl. When it comes to partner dancing. You have to dance walk with style with some playful expression and tone." Teacher instructs. "Huh?!" I exclaimed. "Any problem Maxwell?" Teacher looks at me. "Haha.. no problem." I fake laugh awkwardly trying not to get on my teacher's nerves.

I try lower my head but I end up squeezing my eyes, eye brows instead of giving that seductive effect as I walk like a soldier. "Oh dear.." Teacher shakes her head. "What's that? Hahaha." Patrick sniggered in amusement. Oops, I screwed up :O

Next, I have to spin dance towards Patrick and I lose my balance. "Woah!" I hit the ground. "How clumsy can you be? Ha, sorry this is amusing. Here." Patrick hold out his hand for me to get up. "Fine." I rolled my eyes and grab on his hand. "Be careful next time, I'm not gonna always be there to pick you up. Be grateful." He arrogantly boast. "Whatever." I ignored him.

Next I try singing the lines out as I remembered. My class all looked amazed even the teacher and Patrick. "Great idea to sing the lines. This would make a more theatre effect." My teacher approved.

In the afternoon, our class are told to do some volunteer at old folks home and animals shelter. So we talk to the elderly. I came up with an idea of an elderly dance. I lift up my left leg and both arms to the left direction then hop up and down moving to the left then again to the right direction again then clap clap. The elderly follow me some even use their walker things to dance along. So much fun! :)

Then, we visit animals shelter where we bath the cute pets. Brandon and I cuddle the dogs and cats. While Patrick was shivering in fear as the dog approach him. "Noo! Get away from me!" He screamed then he runs for his life as the dog chased after him. "Haha. Patrick, it's just a dog relax." I try not to laugh. Then, I gently pick up the dog. Patrick stops and stare at me while I pat the dog happily. "It won't hurt you. Give it a try." I assured him. "..fine." he turns away grumpily then reluctantly reach up this hand hesitantly the pat the dog. The dog barks happily. Then he smiles at me for the first time.

It's a Great day! :)

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