#11 - Sebastian Vettel

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Requested by VettelFerrari

#11 -  Why are you pushing me away?

"Seb, wait!" I call out as my favorite German storms past me. He doesn't listen and just keeps walking. I sigh before following him. By the time he reaches his private room, I've caught up with him.

"Talk to me Seb," I plead, but Sebastian shakes his head.

"There's nothing to talk about. That win was supposed to be mine, the team screwed me over. End of story," Sebastian says before making his way to the little bathroom to take a shower. But if he thinks I'll give up that easily, he doesn't know me well enough.

"Not end of story," I say as I follow him.

"What more is there to say?"


"Not by me," Sebastian says as he turns on the shower.

"Seb, please."

"Can you give me a moment, I'd like to take a shower."

"Why are you pushing me away?"

"I'm not!"

"Yes, you are. Talk to me, I'm here for you, always. After good races, but also after ones like this. If you don't push me away that is," I say and Sebastian face softens as I talk.

"I'm sorry Liebe, it was never my intention to push you away."

"I know that."

"Can you forgive me?"

"Of course. But you have to let me be there for you, no matter what."

"I will, I promise. Thank you."

"For what?" I ask confused as Sebastian wraps his arms around me.

"For always supporting me."

"Of course Seb, I love you. I want what's best for you."

"You are."

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