#27 - Daniel Ricciardo

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#27 - Please shut up. I can't stand how appealing your voice is.

Work has been rough for you. You had a lot of deadlines and on top of that, they decided it was a good idea for you to follow an extra course. You agreed to do it, not expecting the workload it'd bring with it. It meant that you were often up until late, either working or studying. It sucked, but

Usually, you could do quite a lot during the weekends as your boyfriend Daniel, who you live with, is away for races every other weekend. But currently, he's on summer break, which means he has several weeks off whilst you still had to work.

"Princesss?" you hear him say, making you look up from your studying. Daniel walks into your study room and as a pout on his face.

"What?" you ask, not wanting to sound rude, but you have a lot of work to do.

"I'm bored."

"Why don't you call Max? Maybe he wants to hang out."

"He's in the Netherlands with his family."

"Ohh, well, then maybe go for a run?" you suggest, not really knowing what else he could do right now.

"I went this morning. Can't I just hang out here?"

"I have a lot to do Dan," you sigh as Daniel sits down.

"I'll be very quiet, I promise."

"Okay, fine," you give in before focusing back on your studying. For a while, it actually works, which you didn't expect. Daniel just sits in your office, looking around a bit and playing on his phone for a while whilst you're able to focus on your studying.

But then he starts humming. It's something he often does without even noticing and usually, it doesn't bother you as much. But now it's distracting.

"Dan?" you say, looking up from your studying.


"Can you stop that?"

"Oh, yeah, I'm sorry," Daniel says, making you smile slightly. You go back to studying and Daniel does indeed stop humming. After a while, you look up at him and see he as put on his headphones, probably watching a video or something.

After a little while, he softly starts singing along. He's not the best singer in the world, but that doesn't really matter. His voice always has an affect on you, even when he's just talking. But when he's singing or, heaven forbid, moaning or groaning, it feels as if your heart has to work overtime for a moment. Which is not helping you study.


"Hmmm?" Daniel replies as he takes off his headphones.

"Please shut up. I can't stand how appealing your voice is," you say, making Daniel grin.

"Am I distracting you, princess?"

"Yeah, you are."

"Really now?" Daniel asks as he gets up, putting his phone away.

"Yeah, really," you reply as Daniel walks closer to you, a smirk on his face.

"Let me show you how distracting I can be," Daniel says before pulling you up from your chair. He switches positions with you and sits down on your chair before pulling you down on your lap. It's safe to say you didn't do much studying anymore after that.

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