#49 - Esteban Ocon

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Requested by Myracingpassion

#49 - I can't promise you that...

You walk around your apartment, tidying up a bit before Esteban comes over. You know that you don't have to, but you just prefer things to be tidy when someone is coming over, even when it's your boyfriend. He had asked if he could come over to talk about something, which made you slightly nervous as that was never a good thing. 

The doorbell rings, startling you slightly. You immediately know it's Esteban and you take a deep breath before opening the door.

"Hey," Esteban greets you before pressing a soft kiss against your lips. Alright, that's a good sign, right? He wouldn't kiss you if he was going to break up with you. Right?

"Hey, what's up?" you ask as you follow him to the living room.

"Nothing much, with you?"

"Just tidying a bit," you say, hoping he understands that wasn't really what you meant. You hate this stupid small talk, you'd rather just get to the point.

"So, I've been thinking."


"You know how the season is about to start again, right?"

"Yeah, I do."

"I feel like some things have to change."

"Like what?"

"Basically everything."

"What?" you ask a little shocked. Why does he want everything to change? Everything was good before. The two of you had officially started dating at the beginning of Esteban's summer break and you had always kept in contact a lot when he was away for races.

"I just feel like it's a good thing."

"Will you still call me every night when you're away though? That's not gonna change right? Please promise me that won't change!" you ask, scared that he's breaking up with you anyway so that he can have more freedom when he's away.

"I can't promise you that..."

"What? What do you mean?" you ask as you start to freak out even more.

"Well, it would be a bit silly to call you every night if you're with me."


"I want you to come with me, to every race. If you want to of course," Esteban explains, making your eyes widen.


"I want you with me Y/N, I don't want to travel by myself knowing that you're at home when you could me with me."

"Are you sure?"

"100% sure. Please?"

"Alright, yes," you say before you even realize it.


"Yes!" you exclaim, a wide smile on your face, making Esteban smile as well. He wraps his arms around you and pulls you close to him.

"You have no idea how happy you just made me."

"Just don't ever scare me like that again! I thought you were gonna break up with me!" you exclaim as you hit Esteban playfully, making him chuckle.

"Never in my life."

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