#33 - Nico Hulkenburg

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Requested by katyyZz

#33 - I think we should have another

You look around the room, happy and satisfied. Today is your and Nico's daughter's first birthday and all your friends and family are here. It has been a pretty long day, but you've had an absolute blast. Slowly, but surely, people are starting to leave, all telling you how good of a time they had and that they are still amazed your daughter is already 1.

"Well, that was an interesting day," Nico says as he wraps his arm around your shoulder, pulling you close.

"That it definitely was. Luckily it made our little girl very tired so she fell straight asleep."

"That's great!"

"I can't believe she's already 1 year old," you sigh, feeling yourself getting emotional.

"It's pretty crazy right. From her first bites of normalish food to her first steps. It's been a long year and crazy year."

"But also the best one," you say, smiling as you think back to all the memories you've made over the year.

"That's very true, I wouldn't change it for the world. It was hard but so worth it. Just wish I could've been there more," Nico sighs, hating the fact that he had to miss out on some big moments because of his racing career.

"Yeah, I know," you say as you squeeze Nico's hand.

"I think we should have another."

"What?" you ask surprised

"I think we should have another baby."


"Yeah, unless you want to?"

"No, no of course I do! You know I want to have a family with you. But are you sure?"

"I've never been more sure of anything in my life," Nico says whilst looking at you, caressing your cheek.

"Me neither."

"Well, we better get started then," Nico says before picking you up.

"What are you doing?" you giggle as Nico starts walking to the bedroom.

"Making another one."

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