The Elevator

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Gerard and Frank laughed as they headed toward the elevator in their hotel. It was nearly 11:00pm, and they had a show tomorrow, so they definitely needed to go to bed. Ray and Mikey, as usual, had wandered into their own room, forgetting the two lovebirds in the lobby. Frank and Gerard didn't really care, since they had their own room and keys. They decided they would worry about the guys in the morning.

As they stepped into the elevator, Frank pressed the button to their floor. The doors slowly slipped shut and the floor began to rise. Gerard stared intently at the level indicator. Frank frowned, wondering what his boyfriend seemed to be thinking about so deeply. He was about to voice his concerns when suddenly a loud jolt shook them both, bringing about gasps of surprise.

The elevator was stuck. Only 2 floors from where they needed to be, too.

"Shit, we're stuck!" Frank groaned, searching the button panel for the call option. Gerard grunted and whined, which confused Frank. That seemed an odd response for their current predicament.

"Gee, you okay?"

Gerard shook his head, whimpering and grasping at his crotch.

"No, Frankie I, um, I need to pee. Really bad..."

Frank's eyes widened. He'd never told Gerard, but he'd always had a bit of a fetish for things like this. Watching Gerard fumble and moan as he grasped his jeans made Frank's jeans tighten slightly.

"Oh, will you be able to hold it? I'm sure they'll get the elevator fixed in no time," Frank reassured, trying not to stare at the whimpering Gerard.

"I don't know, Frankie. I'll try, but it really hurts."

Frank turned back to the panel, searching frantically for the emergency call button. As much as he loved watching his little potty dance, he knew Gerard would be mortified if he had an accident. Finally, Frank located the button and held it down.

"Hello, this is the front desk. May I help you?" Asked the kind voice of a woman over the speaker.

"Yes, hello. We're stuck in the elevator. The doors won't open and we aren't moving.

"Oh, that's unfortunate. Don't worry, I'll send someone to fix it as soon as possible. We're a bit backed up right now, so it might be a few minutes. Maybe up to half an hour. I'll do the best I can."

Gerard groaned loudly in irritation as he heard the despairing news. He doubted he would be able to hold back for that long.

"Oh, okay. Thank you," Frank said in defeat before he heard the speaker shut off. He slumped against the wall and watched Gerard trembling, feeling both pity and arousal.

"Frank, I don't think I'll be able to hold it that long. I'm barely holding it in as it is! Gerard cried, continuing to fidget in the corner.

"Did you happen to save your bottle from the vending machine?" Frank asked.

"No, I finished it and threw it out. What about yours?"

"I threw mine out too. Shit," Frank sighed. "Do you have anything else you could use?"

"No, all my stuff is in the room. I didn't think I'd need it."

It was a bitter irony that he'd considered bringing his bag with him to the lobby, fearing he might need it. He regretted his decision as he gripped tightly onto himself to keep from spilling all over his jeans.

"Sit tight, Gee. You can do it. It's only a few minutes," Frank motioned for Gerard to come sit with him, which he did, waddling awkwardly, never letting go of his aching crotch.

Frank rubbed Gerard's back and noticed how much he was trembling. He must have to go really bad, he thought, which only turned him on more. Gerard shuddered against his boyfriend's touch and leaned into him, whining softly. Frank wished he could help, but he knew there was nothing he could do.

The pair sat there for what felt like an eternity to Gerard, who was barely able to hold on. Frank had tried soothing him, but there was little he could say. After about 10 minutes, they heard the elevator starting up, which prompted Frank to jump to his feet. He watched the level number begin to rise steadily, until they reached their floor.

"Gee! It worked! Let's go!" Frank grabbed Gerard's icy cold hand and pulled him to his feet, leading him to the elevator doors as the slid open. Gerard held himself with his free hand, hobbling bent over behind his eager boyfriend.

"Frank, slow down! I can't walk that fast!"

"Oh, sorry," Frank said, letting go of Gerard's hand, watching him double over and whine as he rubbed his thighs.

"What room are we in? I don't know if I can hold it much longer," Gerard asked between gasps.

Frank looked down at his keycard. "It says room 426, but I don't know which one that is. Let's find a sign or something."

Frank searched the hallways, but couldn't find a single indication of where they were. Gerard followed behind, grasping the front of his pants and crying softly. The pain was so intense Gerard felt like he was going to explode. He'd never been this desperate in his life. He knew if he didn't find a bathroom soon, he was going to make quite a mess.

Finally, Frank saw a sign down the hallway, indicating that their room was down a few more hallways.

"Come on, Gee. You can make it!" Frank grabbed his hand and began to jog down the halls, searching desperately for room 426. Gerard could barely walk, let alone run at the pace Frank was pulling him.

"Frankie! Slow down! It hurts!" Gerard whined, but Frank didn't seem to hear him. Gerard felt a few steady drops leaking into his underwear, making him gasp. "Frank! Please! I'm leaking!"

That got Frank's attention. He whipped around, greeted by the sight of Gerard's now damp jeans. The wet spot was small, but noticeable. Frank couldn't help moaning slightly as he felt himself becoming hard at the sight.

"Don't worry, we're almost there, look! There's the room!" Frank cheered, running once again.

"Frank!" Gerard yelled, trying to catch up as Frank swiped his key throw the slot on the door. The light next to it flashed red.

"Dammit!" Frank shouted, trying again. This time, the light flashed green, and the sound of the lock releasing made him grab the handle and push as quickly as he could. He practically threw the heavy door into the room, grabbing Gerard around the waist and helping him into the bathroom.

Gerard undid his belt and tried to undo his zipper, but it was stuck. Of course.

"Frank! My zipper is stuck!" Gerard shrieked, tugging on it violently. Frank knelt down in front of him and gave it a yank, which loosened it, but it was already too late. Gerard was frozen in horror as he heard the loud hissing sound of the pee he'd held back for so long finally making its escape. Frank watched the wet patch on Gerard's pants grow until it was so big it didn't even look wet. Some of the eager liquid leaked into Gerard's shoes as he stood frozen, still shaking a bit. The flood didn't stop for what felt like hours, but was probably only a couple of minutes. When Gerard felt the last drop exit his aching body, he slowly turned around to see Frank breathing heavily as he studied the puddle beneath them both.

"Frank, I- "Gerard started, but was cut off by Frank pressing his lips to his. Startled, Gerard kissed back.

"Fuck, that was so hot Gee. I can't wait to get that pretty cock of yours in my mouth." Frank moaned, rubbing himself through his own jeans.

"Wait, what? You're not embarrassed or grossed out?' I just wet my pants like a child! Right in front of the toilet, too!"

Frank shook his head. "No, it was actually a beautiful show. Now, why don't we take a nice shower and I'll take care of the mess afterwards?"

"Well, yeah, sure. You look like you could use some relief yourself," Gerard laughed at the large bulge in Frank's pants.

"Oh hush, it's your fault!" Frank laughed too.

"I love you, Gee, you dork."

"I love you too Frankie" Gerard replied, kissing his boyfriend lightly as he felt the wet fabric of his jeans clinging to his legs.

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