Really? These Guys

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So I was just minding myself, and working at the Chase Space, when this lady walked in demanding to see me. I expected her to be homeless, but she looked far from homeless.

"Hello, Magnus can you bring your friends here?"

I was getting really creeped out from her. Jack appeared and was like "Ahhhhh Chaos, I have not seen you like in foreverrrrrrrrrrr, do you want to hear a song?"

This is so confusing. "Jack you know this person?"

"Yeh, she is Chaos, the creator of the Universe, man you got to do your research."

"Yes that's me, but Magnus where are your friends?"

"Blitz and Hearth are cooking, Alex is getting some more people and Sam is out doing Valkyrie stuff, T.J, Mallory and Halfborn are at Hotel Valhalla."

"Thank you," then Chaos clapped her hands and they just appeared there, Alex was in dog form, Blitz was mid motion of signing to Hearth, T.J, Mallory, Halfborn looked like they were playing a video game and Sam had a party hat on.

"Sam. I thought you where doing Valkyrie stuff." I stroked my imaginary goatee.

"I was, then I had to go to my relatives birthday party." She said innocently.

Alex changed back to human form. "What is going on here, and who in the world is this person?"

"Alex, she's not from this world." I said rolling my eyes.

"My name is Chaos, and I would like to recruit you for a task." She signed this for Hearth.

"What about Chase Space?" Blitz asked.

"Yeh, what about Chase Space?" Alex demanded.

Chaos smiled and replied. "I already have it covered," she clapped her hands, and our exact clones appeared minus a Jack. "They will take up your jobs,"

"Ok, I'm in." Alex replied.

"Hearth and I will do it." Blitz said.

"I could use a break," Sam said.

"Finally, I can visit the rest of the nine worlds!" T.J replied.

"The Universe isn't part of the nine worlds, stupid. And yes I'm in." Mallory said.

Halfborn shrugged his shoulders. "Ok." 

I nodded my head, "sure."

"Wonderful," Chaos said. "Let's go." She clapped her hands and the Chase Space disappeared.


"Magnus, what are you doing here?"

"What are you doing?"

"WHERE IS RIPTIDE?!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Jack suddenly burst out.

"Not here." I replied


"Yeh, I kind of left it back at Camp Half- Blood."

He looked furious. Magnus willed Jack into pendant form which was a good idea.

"Hey Chaos, what is Magnus doing here?" I turned my head and found that Chaos was not there. Where did she go?

"What is this place?" A voice said behind the doors.

Just after that Carter and Sadie Kane walked in, with 3 more people.

"Ok this is really weird, Carter what are you doing here?"

"Chaos said that she needed our help." Carter explained how He was training at Brooklyn house when Chaos walked in and said that she needed him for a task. "So I'm guessing your here to help as well?"

I nodded my head.

"Carter this is Magnus Chase, he's from the Norse times. Magnus this is Carter he's from the Egyptian area." I introduced them.

"That does not explain anything." Alex stated shaking her head.

Chaos appeared in a flash of life, she sat on her throne and began "Welcome, Demigods, Einherji, Valkyrie, Elf, Dwarf and Magicians. As you already know my name is Chaos, I have recruited you to save the universe that is in great need. You will be my army, and I will be your Queen. In time you will learn to act as a team, sacrifice yourselves for your team mates and always be by their sides. Your powers will enhance with my blessing, and your skills will enhance even more with my training, things you thought that you would never accomplish, it will happen. Will all of you follow me to save the universe, save the ones you love?"

All of them nodded their heads.

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