Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Okami-san's POV

I stared at the blond boy for a few moments before I was finally abled to take again. "A host club?" I said, "Really Haruh know I understand the boy's clothes but why a host club?" "I may or may not have broken a very expensive vase and now I have to work it all off." she said. I sighed. "Alright, I'm gone." I said turning toward the door. Suddenly I felt to pairs of hands grab me and pull me back. "Wait Okami-san." said a voice. I turned around and saw Hikaru. Great, he just had to be apart of this club. "What?" I asked. "You promised that you stay to see the job." he said. I sighed again. "That's right isn't it. Well, what's the job?" I asked. The blond boy walked up to me. "Ahh, that's right, we are looking for a maid to work for the host club." he said. I slowly let that sink in. "Wait, a maid!!" I said, "There is no way in hell that I'm going te be a maid." I turned around and started toward the door when I ran into someone. I looked up and saw a tall, balck haired boy wearing a pair of glasses. "Sorry." I said as I moved aside. The boy stepped the same way I did. "You know, if you stay, you can help Haruhi pay off her debt." he said. I looked at Haruhi for a second and she immediately made puppy eyes. "Don't you going making puppy eyes at me." I said, looking away. "Oh, please stay, Okami-san. You would be really helpful. Please stay." she said, not giving up puppy eyes. I ignored her. "Okami-san, if you don't stay, I'll tell Hikaru and Kaoru all your weaknesses." she said. I stopped in my tracks. I thought back to the glint I saw in Hikaru's eyes. If he ever found out all my weaknesses, I would be in so much trouble, not to mention that if he ever found out that certain secert. "Fine, but only to help Haruhi, anything else, I'm not doing." I said. The blond boy squeaked and started to run all over the place. "Wait, before you freak out, I do have a few conditions." I said. The boy stopped running around and seemed to turn white. "And what are these conditions?" said the tall one said. "I want to be able to leave early on Fridays and Wednesdays for boxing practice." I said. "Fridays won't work, that's when the club is busiest, but Monday could work." he said. "Fine by me." I said. "Anything else?" he asked. "Nope." I said. I saw the blond boy come back alive. "Oh, I just realized that I haven't intorduced myslef." he said, wlaking toward me. Leaning forward into my face he said, "My name is Tamiki Suou, but you can call me Tamiki Senpai. What's your name, beautiful maiden?" "Okami-san." I said. A look of confusion passed over his face. "The wolf?" he said. "Yep, the wolf that's about to rip your face off if you don't move away." I said.

Tamiki's eyes went wide in surprise and he backed up. The balck haired guy rolled his eyes as Tamiki went into emo corner. "I'm Kyoya Ootori." he said, then began to piont to different boys. First he pointed to a smal, childish looking boy eating cake. "That's Honey Senpai. Next to him is Mori Senpai." He pointed to the twins and Haruhi next. "I assume that you already know Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin and Haruhi." he said. "Yep." I replied. "Alright, I have work to do before the club opens so I shall see you later." he said. I sighed as he walked away. What did I get myself into?

"Hey, Haruhi." I said, walking up to her. I noticed the the twins disappeared some where. "Hey, I noticed that Kyoya seemed a bit sweet on you." she said, smiling at me in a strange way. "Dear god, what goes on inside your mind?" I said, "Besides, you call that sweet?" "Yep, usually, he would just leave without saying anything." she said. "Huh, that sounds like me." I said. "It does." Haruhi said. She seemed to realize something. "Oh, I have to get the supplies for the club before we start." she said, running away. I watched her leave and kind just stood there wondering what to do. I felt some one some up behind me. I truned around and saw Hikaru tring to sneak up on me. "That's not going to work." I said. "Yeah, I figured." he said, "I'm really glad you stayed, Okami-san." He looked me straight in the eyes when he said this and I couldn't help but feel happy that I stayed. Sudenly Kaoru appeared beside Hikaru. "Okami-san, we have to show something to you." they said at the same time. "Ok, what do you need to show me?" I asked. "Well," started Kaoru, pulling a black scarf out of his pocket. "It's a secret." finished Hikaru. Kaoru drapped the scarf over my eyes and tied it. They both started to gently push towards some place. I heard two doors open and close before Hikaru finally said we were there. I pulled off the blindfold and blinked a few times before I realized what was in front of me.A deep purple maid's outfit greeted me. "What's that?" I asked. "Your uniform for the club." said Hikaru. I glanced at the uniform again. "You expect me to wear that?" I asked. 'Yep, now, go get it on unless you want high heels with it.' Kaoru said. I found myself pailing at the thought of high heels. "Alright, I'm going." I said, grabbing the dress and running toward the dressing room.

A few minutes later, I stepped out and made my way to where all the boys were waiting. "Um, guys, okami-san is out." Haruhi said when she saw me. The boys turned toward me. I noticed that Hikaru got a blush all over his face and that Kyp his face Kyoya pushed his glasses up his face in a flustered way. And then there was Tamaiki. His jaw drooped for a few moments before he came running at me full speed, screaming something about being to cute. Tamiki grabbed m,e in a hug before going on about something. "I'm sorry, I can't understand you." i said. Tamiki took a deep breath before saying "Ohhhhhh, you're so cute, why don't you dress like this all the time? The same with you, Haruhi!!" He stopped hugging me to go hug Haruhi. "Daddy wants you to go back to how you were before!" said Tamiki, "Why can't you be more girly?"  I rolled my eyes. "You know, Tama-chan is right, why don't you wear girly clothes any more?" asked a small voice from behind me. "Huh" I said, turning around. I was greeted by the young looking boy from earlier. "Um, I guess it just doesn't suit me." I said. "But you look wonderful in that dress, so how does it not suit you?" he asked. "I'm not a fan of girly clothes, I haven't worn anything this for a long time." I said, looking down at him. What was this kid's name again? Oh, Honey, right. "Why not?" he asked. "Something happened and I just stopped.' I said. "What happened?" he asked. "I'd rather not dig it up." I said. "Guys, it's time to get ready, the guests will be arriving soon." Kyoya's voice rang through all the chaos. Everyone stopped  and atarted to head to certain spots. "Um, Tamaki, what am I supposed to do?" I asked Tamaki. "Go around serving tea and making sure everyone has something to eat." he said, "Oh, and act sweet." I paled at that last part. "Act... sweet..?" I said. Haruhi patted me on the back. "It's not that hard." she said. "Right." I said. "Don't sweat it, just put a lovely spin on things.' Haruhi said. I nodded and tried to smile. "Okami-chan, you should just relax." said Honey. I nodded and started to clear my head. 

The guests started to stream in through the doors. "My God, how many people come here every day." I said. "About 100 of these students are regulars." said Kyoya. "It was a retorical question." I said. A few minutes later, everthing had settled down. There were girls swooning this way and that. Every once in a while, it would seem like a girl passed out, only to start moving again when something cute happened. I went around fillng up tea cups with a smile on my face. "Okami-san, we need you over here." I heard Tamaki say. I made my way over to his table. "Yes, what may I help you with?" I asked, tilting my head the slightest and smiling lightly. "Ahhhh, so cute!" Tamaki said, hugging me. "Hmm!' I heard a voice say as Tamaki was hugging me. "Oh, I'm sorry, Princess, I didn't mean to get distracted." Tamaki said, sitting back down. "Anyways, this is Okami-san, the Host Club's new maid." he said, "Okami-san, this is Bara, a regular client of mine." I looked at the girl and realized that this was the girl from earlier. Oh Crap.

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